Halloween event has ended!

Coin Hunt World
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2021

Hello Hunters! I hope you all had a great time during the Halloween event, witch was our best event to date with a record breaking amount of participation from the hunters in USA, Canada and UK!

Let’s take a look at some stats!

All together, the hunters:

  • opened a total of 350,000 Halloween resource boxes!
  • collected a total 2,709,803 Halloween resources!
  • collected Bitcoin: 0.611814 and Ethereum: 8.815352

How many Resources did the hunters find?

  • Pumpkin Seeds 824,095
  • Dusty Rags 587,755
  • Rusty Bolts 472,210
  • Chunks of Flesh 352,160
  • Bat wings 162,810
  • Magical Fabric 117,455
  • Bottle of Blood 110,920
  • Warty Toad 80,765
  • Witches hat 1,633

How many Blueprints did the hunters find?

  • Pumpkin Cubie Blueprint 2,607
  • Mummy Cubie Blueprint 876
  • Monster Cubie Blueprint 847
  • Witch Cubie Blueprint 296
  • Black Cat Cubie Blueprint 32 (US: 17, CA:15, UK:0)

How many Cauldrons did the hunters spawn?

  • Common 6674
  • Rare 1993
  • Epic 124

What area spawned the most Cauldrons?

  • Ontario 1265
  • British Columbia 867
  • California 782

Who had first prints?

  • Witch Cubie = Kooshy
  • Black Cat Cubie = D0naldDuck

How many cubies were printed?

  • Vampire Cubie 1
  • Black Cat Cubie 14
  • Witch Cubie 14
  • Mummy Cubie 931
  • Monster Cubie 649
  • Pumpkin Cubie 1,692

Who hunted the hardest during this event?

Hardcore Event Hunters!

And some fun stats to end with:

  • What Cauldron was used by the most hunters?
    (A cauldron in Port Coquitlam, BC was hit by 29 hunters!)
  • How many hunters opened/attempted a red boosted vault? (110)
  • What’s the furthest a hunter travelled to open an Epic Cauldron? (6845km)

As you can see, this event was a huge success for us, so a big shout out to all the hunters who participated. We hope you all had a blast and we look forward to the next event!

Happy Hunting!

