Vote for Coin Hunt World as Best Blockchain Game of 2021

Coin Hunt World
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2021

Hey Hunters!

We are very excited to share that Coin Hunt World has been nominated for the Best Blockchain Game 2021 Award from!

But the nomination is just the first step… In order to win the award, all the hunters are going to need to come together, stare the competition in the face and push through.

Plus, if Coin Hunt World wins the award, every player will receive a gift in their Headquarters as a small token of appreciation. So get voting!

How to vote

Instruction video by iSpeakNerd

Top Coin Hunt World! player iSpeakNerd has created a video tutorial showing how to vote:

(You can also vote using only a mobile phone! The process is very similar.)

After you vote…

The best thing you can do after voting is to help others vote! Use all your social media influence to spread the word — and be willing to provide support if others need it!

Coin Hunt World socials

You will see posts about this nomination all over our socials — share away!

And as always… Happy Hunting!

