About Coin Hunter

Mark Roddy
3 min readAug 8, 2018


I must admit when I first stumbled across bitcoin many years ago I didn’t think much of it. I was studying a bachelor of business majoring in extended finance at the time and was very interested in the world economy and how events like the GFC came to be. Bitcoin continually popped up as I read about how central banks created an elastic money supply and how governments seized citizens assets in times of crisis, yet every time bitcoin was mentioned in my research, I would read a small sentence or two about bitcoin and write it off as non essential — 2017 proved just how wrong I was.

Cryptocurrencies have become one of the most polarising topics I have witnessed to date. One could easily be led to believe that cryptocurrencies only purpose is to purchase illegal goods and that anyone buying cryptocurrencies is either a criminal or is a gambler that is “better off taking their money to the casino”.

The reality is that nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misleading information that currently surrounds cryptocurrencies. And not to say that all the negative things you hear about cryptocurrencies are untrue but from the sentiment and understanding amongst ‘no-coiners’, it is clear that the information that they are being fed is wrong, whether that is done so intentionally or not is a question for another day. This is one of the core reasons we decided to start CHRG — to ensure that individuals who were learning about the cryptocurrency space had a reliable source to turn to for education and research.

We built CHRG because the problems that we faced had not been solved yet, our team have spent countless hours learning this space from scratch, watching countless hours of youtube videos, thousands of Reddit posts, medium posts, blog posts etc. etc. Filtering through the good, the bad and the ugly to ensure that we were on the right track not just regarding investing in the right coins but also how to use this new technology. Along the way, we have built an incredible network of contacts that genuinely are revolutionising our future.

I have seen many friends come into this space and then quickly exit — “too hard”, “Not enough time” and I sympathise entirely with this. It is too hard, it is too technical, and it is too time-consuming, but that’s the problem and the opportunity for CHRG and investors alike.

At CHRG we firmly believe that distributed ledger technology will impact almost every industry that currently exists and it is only just getting started. We want to provide you with a service that will first and foremost educate you but also save you considerable time.

Our mission is to ensure everyone has the right tools and insights to invest in the cryptocurrency markets with confidence.

We have been extremely busy building the foundations of the Coin Hunters group, and we have a lot of plans in store that we will be rolling out to members as we grow. However, if there is one thing that we want you to take away, its that CHRG will become your Trusted source for cryptocurrency research and education.

And although we can’t guarantee any kind of returns, what I can tell you is that distributed ledger technology is only just in its infancy and that there is still a very long way to go regarding the technology potential. This is still only a small space, and there are vast sums of money sitting on the sidelines because it’s….. “too hard, too complicated”.

Whether you are here for the gains, tech or philosophy, — perhaps all — Coin Hunter hopes to be apart of your crypto journey.

