CoinAll first Star Project lightning, Precium deep analysis

Jacky Chen
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2019

Recently, CoinAll, a hot emerging exchange, launched Star Project Lightning, a new listing model, and launched its first star project lightning, Precium. According to white paper, Precium is a smart contract platform based on the Onyx Chain hybrid blockchain, allowing users to create and use smart contracts simply and securely through peer-to-peer trading, primarily in commercial marketing.

Let’s first take a look at CoinAll’s star project — what is the strength of Precium?

Project team and resources:

Precium is supported by Korean famous entertainment company KCENT and software development company HANKY & PARTNERS. It has 200 exclusive top 5% Korean KOL cooperation and about 10 million fan resources behind it. In 2018, Precium achieved $16 million in annual revenue in Korea.

In 2019, Precium plans to bring its brands across 12 different industries to the Precium Platform for promotion and help other KOLs settle in. And through cooperation with a variety of types of companies, gradually expand the scope of application of the platform, including second-hand transactions, leasing, recruitment and so on.

Precium has the top core business team in Korea, from LG’s software development to senior engineers in the National IoT Standardization Committee. Its consultants include Wyeth Lee, CRO at Omni Commerce, CEO of Samsung SDS China and Samsung Opentide China; Joseph Jang is the chief operating officer of the well-known blockchain project Fantom (ICO$39.6 million).

The Precium consortium has established a partnership with the China-Korea Silk Road Association. Its partners include investment fund NewStyle Capital (total portfolio of US$300 million), BitAsset, and marketing company TwoAB.

Core Competence — Create smart contracts simply:

At present, the main disadvantage of most smart contract platforms on the market is not the technical solution or application scenario, but the user’s threshold of use: lack of sufficient programming skills to run their own safe and efficient smart contracts, the cost of executing code is expensive. Creating a separate IT infrastructure is difficult…

In Precium, which provides users with code templates for various contract terms, users simply select and combine the contract terms they need, and the platform combines the selected coding terms in the template to automatically create a complete smart contract. Therefore, without any programming, the user can use smart contracts to conduct peer-to-peer transactions with the other party.

In addition, users can create and upload contract terms to the Precium platform and become contract creators. These contract terms will be verified to ensure user safety. At present, smart contracts have great application potential in small and medium-sized enterprises, and reducing the cost of using smart contracts may become a decisive factor for the successful promotion of the platform.

Features — mixed blockchain structure:

Onyx Chain is a hybrid blockchain that combines the advantages of private and public chains. Only the fact that the data is processed and the smart contract is executed will enter the public blockchain, and all confidential information will be stored only in transactions. The private block is accessed in the chain layer. The hybrid structure of public and private chains will help protect the entire network from potential threats associated with data operations and improve the overall performance and stability of the platform.

Thanks to the proven Raft PoS algorithm and the Ethereum Go core, the Onyx Chain network is a very efficient and secure solution, and the Solidity development environment will undoubtedly attract experienced developers to become contract creators. With this foundation, the Precium platform is gradually building a strong smart contract ecosystem.

Token economy model:

Name: PCM

Type: ERC-20

Total tokens: 1,500,000,000 PCM

Token sales: 600,000,000 PCM (40%)

Positioning: Smart Contract Platform

Fundraising hard top: $19.2 million

Token Price: $0.04


In the Precium platform, there are two types of participants, contract users and contract creators. Contract creators provide contracted users with valid contract conditions or templates. Contract users can arbitrarily select and combine and easily build new ones in the Onyx chain. Smart contract. In the process, the contract creator will be rewarded whenever the contract terms are used.

Precium uses a two-tier token model, including Precium Token (PCM) and Onyx Token (ONX). PCM uses ERC20 to ensure compatibility of transactions and transactions on the Ethereum network. ONX is a stable currency worth $1 and is the main currency in the Precium platform. On the Precium platform, ONX tokens are used to reward contract creators and Oracle APIs as a means of payment in the system. PCM can be redeemed with ONX on the Precium platform.

The Precium project will issue a total of 1.5 billion ERC20 token PCMs, 40% (600 million) of which will be available for $0.035 in the open pre-sale phase and $0.04 in the main release phase. The other 15% will be issued to the Foundation (locked for 1 year), and each consultant and partner will be 5% (locked for 6 months). 20% (225 million tokens or $9 million) will be used for strategic development and reserves; the last 15% will be used for market expansion.

CoinAll related person in charge said that after evaluating and analyzing hundreds of blockchain projects, CoinAll gradually established a complete blockchain asset evaluation system. CoinAll listed Precium as the first featured currency project because it has a high growth potential and a good valuation, in line with our evaluation criteria for selected quality assets. We are committed to providing low-cost investment opportunities to users, minimizing the risk of users trading digital assets.

As an OKEx deep partner, CoinAll has been committed to promoting the healthy and orderly development of the blockchain industry, creating a safe, efficient and dedicated blockchain asset comprehensive service platform for investors.

