The CoinAnalyst ICO is over. Here is what’s next…

Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2019

Dear CoinAnalyst Community,

our ICO has ended.

It was a very eventful year in which we had to change our strategies several times and try many new things to make the ICO a success.

How much have you sold?

Already now I can say that our ICO was a success despite the difficult market. We have spent between 1.2 billion and 1.8 billion tokens in the Pre and Main ICO. Since our token has also been sold through many external portals and marketing campaigns, we still have to determine the exact amount manually. I ask for your understanding that this will take some time. We still have to wait for some feedback.

What about your product?

We’ve collected a lot of great ideas from traders and made several interesting partnerships that will take our product to a whole new level.

Unfortunately, the implementation of this together with the difficult market has clearly thrown us back in our roadmap. But we promise that these adjustments will be worthwhile for you in the long run. In addition, there will be some product surprises apart from our roadmap spread over the year

Here also a Sneak Preview for the corporate version of our product:

In the basic version, we are currently in the process of extensively reworking the interface, which is why we do not want to show you any video material here.

How can I get access to the Alpha?

We will gradually give all token purchasers the opportunity to create an account for the alpha version in order to perform an extensive load test. You will receive an email from us as soon as you can participate in the beta test.

How do I get my tokens?

We have decided to go on the exchanges only when our product can be tested by many and runs stable. So on the marketing side, we can make sure that the first reviews are published. This should have a very positive influence on the token price, which in turn will benefit you. We, therefore, ask for your understanding that this process may take some time. At the moment we focus on the completion of a stable beta version.

We will inform everyone about the exact procedure via e-mail and news on our website. In any case, we will ensure that all buyers can receive the tokens before we are listed on any exchange. We recommend making sure that all emails from do not end up in your spam folder.

If you only want to use our product with the tokens, you do not need to take any further action and can then use the tokens later to purchase the product as soon as it becomes chargeable.

On which exchange will you be listed?

Definitely confirmed are the following 3 Exchanges:
Nebula Exchange

In addition, we are currently in negotiations with IDEX and are still in the process of acquiring one of the large exchanges with top volume. However, we cannot promise anything here for now.

It still remains to say, we believe that here exciting times will come to us and with a bit of luck we are already back in the bull market which will further boost our token.

Your CoinAnalyst Team

