How to Enable Sentinel Sharing in the COIN App — What You Need to Know

Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2019

Sentinel Sharing will allow you, the geominer, who has one or many SentinelX devices and a BridgeX to maximize the power of your sentinels. You can set up multiple sentinels with your COIN app.

Once the SentinelX (or XY4+) is added, it can be placed in a shared area (like at a train station) or given to someone. Any time geomining occurs within the shared sentinels range, it has a chance to be selected for the 10% share of rewards.

If it is the only Sentinel in range, then it will be selected 100% of the time! Only 1 device is selected per geomine for sharing.

The benefits of Sentinel Sharing is utilizing your geomining kit to give you rewards, not only when you are using the COIN app, but when others are using the COIN app around your sentinels! This adds rewards passively to your mining that you wouldn’t get even if you had your app set to auto collect.

This also benefits other community members by increasing the geospatial certainty to their location and increasing their rewards! This is a feature that adds a superpower to the COIN app for Geohackers.

After the device has been added and it starts to get some use, you’ll see the total update, which represents your 10% cut of the rewards.

You can open up the details of any of your Shared Sentinels and see their daily totals for the last 5 days.

Shared Sentinel Rewards are delivered to you daily through geodrops from our system. You will get the total from the previous day (in UTC) and the note from sender will be “Here are your shared sentinel rewards for yesterday.”

This is an exciting feature that we are thrilled to present to the COIN app and to those who have dedicated the time to build a geomining kit! Thank you for your dedication and we look forward to seeing you all sharing sentinels!

For more information on Sentinel Sharing, or if you have any other questions, please visit our COIN help center here.




The COIN App is an App powered by XYO that allows users to Mine (Geomine) Cryptocurrency for providing location data.