Early, early days for cryptocurrencies

Can we compare current state to the internet circa-1990?

Thomas Bruno
2 min readDec 30, 2017


We can draw many parallels between the current state of the cryptocurrency ecosystem and the early days of the internet — groundbreaking technology, an ambiguous recognition that we are scratching the surface on some type of disruption, rapid upswings in adoption rates (despite the uncertainty) and wild speculation on which use cases, and thereby which players, will dominate. There is no doubt that opportunities abound.

Where does one place their bets in terms of investing their time, energy and/or money? If we draw an analogy between the blockchain technology itself to the internet of the 1990’s, the coins can be indirectly compared to the brands that were vying to lead different segments of the early online world. Will Ethereum follow the value path of a Google or the demise of a Prodigy? When we get to the next generation, will that hot new coin enjoy the longevity of a Facebook or suffer a MySpace-like implosion?

It would be unwise, of course, to assume that we can simply overlay charts and be able conclude that similar patterns will replay. We feel it is important to zoom out to view the macro trends that appear to be unique to the world of cryptocurrencies. These observations can help us to formulate our strategies and decide where to drill down and take action.

Opportunities such as these breed a fair amount of noise, hype and false promises. At Coinboing, we pledge to always cut through all of that to present you with the objective facts that will help to guide your decisions and confidently employ your tactics.

We very much look forward to having you join us on this journey.

-Thomas Bruno

This article originally appeared on coinboing.com. We would be honored if you would follow us there or elsewhere.



Thomas Bruno

Cryptocurrency enthusiast, data driven decision maker and Coinboing co-founder