10 Helpful Resources For Newbies

Crypto Novice to Crypto Expert

CoinBundle Team
6 min readAug 21, 2018


Familiarizing yourself with a completely new industry can seem formidable at times, especially when it comes to blockchain and cryptocurrency. When first exploring the vast world of digital assets, newbies can sometimes get lost in the seemingly endless stream of information which if filling the internet day by day. However, in order to properly gain exposure and build knowledge, you have to start with the basics that are available to everyone on the internet. Here are 10 helpful resources that will get you on your way towards becoming a crypto expert.

This is not financial investment advice.
This article suggests helpful online resources for beginners.


If you’re reading this, then you’ve come to the right place. Here at CoinBundle, we’ve developed a plethora of educational and fun articles for anyone to read. Just check out the CoinBundle For Beginners section and you’ll be on the right path. From trading and investment strategy tips to a complete breakdown of how blockchain works, you can find an article on pretty much anything regarding cryptocurrency.

Follow us on social media to stay updated with our daily articles, and you too can be on the path towards becoming a crypto expert.


If you’re looking to gain some more industry-specific knowledge on coins and other crypto projects which have already launched and are fully functioning, check out coinmarketcap.com to access charts, graphs, rankings, and more!

This is undoubtedly one of the most helpful online resources out there, which is why any beginner should start to regularly visit this site to track how some of the top coins are performing. The site is also relatively easy to access and navigate, as it lists the top 100 coins by market capitalization.


Twitter is actually one of the most powerful social tools that you can use for learning and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the cryptocurrency space. There are tons of helpful Twitter accounts to follow including actual crypto developers who have an immense influence on the crypto community.

Be cautious of fake or spam accounts, which can usually be easily identified by simply looking at the account details and the spelling of the username or handle. The best way to use Twitter to increase your crypto knowledge without falling for any scams is to follow well-respected and verified accounts which update their content daily.


Don’t have the time or desire to read through a mountain of articles or graphs? No worries. It turns out that YouTube has an impressive amount of educational videos on all things crypto-related for all you visual learners out there. Again, you also have to be careful of scam accounts which are simply pushing new projects that aren’t very valuable.

There are countless influencers out there who are getting paid to preach about specific coins, so focus on spending your valuable time on educational videos instead of coin reviews. Also, make sure to spend some time researching which content creators are reliable and who is not well-respected within the crypto community. This will allow you to populate your YouTube feed with solely reputable sources while staying away from fake influencers.


Commonly referred to as the blockchain and crypto community’s go-to encrypted messenger app, Telegram is used by many crypto enthusiasts who use it to stay in touch with many of their favorite crypto projects and news outlets. What makes Telegram so convenient is that it sends notifications directly to your phone, simply allowing the news to come to you — not the other way around.

By performing your own research, you can find scads of respected and trusted outlets that will keep you updated with all things crypto-related. The best way to build your knowledge on crypto is to regularly expose yourself to industry news outlets and articles. It’s like receiving a text message but instead it’s filled with crypto news.


Just like any audiobook or podcast, all you have to do is pop in some earbuds or simply listen freely, and you’ll be on your way to learning all the angles of crypto.

With extensive lists of new podcasts emerging everyday regarding blockchain and crypto, it might seem a bit daunting to find the right one. As always, it becomes extremely important to perform your own due diligence and compile a list of your personal favorite podcasts. Look for recognizable names when searching for podcasts, as the best podcasts, more often than not, stem from large companies like Forbes, for example.

Bitcoin Magazine

It’s important to understand that the best way to extract information when learning is to expose yourself to the material as much as possible. As such, many have pointed to Bitcoin Magazine as one of the best resources for those looking to get caught up to speed with the world of crypto and blockchain. Like any other magazine, this is a collection of all sorts of articles related to blockchain and cryptocurrency.

In fact, its website contains several different categories of learning material for you to choose from, including podcasts and even a live price chart. Realistically speaking, you won’t become a crypto expert in just a day. Learning and truly understanding how the world of crypto works will take some time, but nonetheless, Bitcoin Magazine is a great place to start.


In case you’re looking to gain more information on the history of cryptocurrency, check out CryptoTimeline. Although it’s extremely important to understand the underlying concepts and current trends of cryptocurrency, it’s just as — if not more — valuable to be aware of how it all began. This webpage goes through the humble beginnings of Bitcoin all the way to the present state of the market.

Reading through the timeline of cryptocurrency should give you a much better understanding of developments over time and who have been the main players in the space.


Instead of learning about cryptocurrency through online guides and resources, why not learn it straight from the biggest coin there is? Bitcoin.org is set up to give anyone who visits the site a better understanding of what the coin and market are all about. Although it may seem a bit overwhelming in the beginning, the site has loads of helpful resources that anyone can learn from.

Additionally, the website has options for you to get involved in the space by purchasing Bitcoin as well. Irrespective of that, you can still expect to learn a lot about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a whole.

TED Talks

If you’re looking for a much more casual experience when it comes to understanding cryptocurrency, there’s no better way to do so than by scouring the web for some of the best TED Talks on cryptocurrency. This will allow you to sit back and feel as though you’re back in school, listening to someone lecture on the future of digital assets.

Given the usual audience of TED Talks, a healthy majority of videos don’t use too much jargon that will leave you disappointed or confused. Anyone can watch these fun lectures and enjoy the talk while also gaining a better understanding of how blockchain works as well as the direction in which the crypto ecosystem is heading.


Let’s face it, we can’t all be crypto experts in a few days. If you want to truly become knowledgeable about this crazy space, it takes much time and dedication to understanding everything there is to know. However, you’ve come to the right place and have nearly unlimited options to choose from when learning about how blockchain works or why crypto will inevitably have a place in the future of digital finance. All in all, have fun with the process and develop an affinity for the industry, as you might grow a small interest into one of your passions.

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CoinBundle Team

CoinBundle is the easiest way for people to invest in cryptocurrencies. Backed by top Silicon Valley VCs and Y-Combinator. Learn more: coinbundle.com