Meet CoinBundle’s Illustrators

Anastasia, Alice, and Rona tell you a little bit about themselves in this fun interview

CoinBundle Team
6 min readOct 11, 2018


They all draw in different styles but CoinBundle united them to create graphical content and have fun while doing it. Now we have a small but very productive team. Please enjoy this fun interview with CoinBundle’s highly creative illustrators.

Anastasia Kiseleva

CoinBundle’s Head of Creative and the first illustrator to introduce to you is Nastya, who began drawing in kindergarten and decided to become an illustrator in the 8th grade.

What is your preferred drawing style and why?

My drawing style is what you see in CoinBundle blog and it’s the reason I’m here: people work with me because of my style and sense of humor. I tried to learn to draw in realistic way and actually succeeded, but it’s not as fun as drawing chubby bug-eyed characters and vivid emotions. So one day I decided to stick to this simple style and that when I started to get job offers.

Do you have a favorite artist?

There’s many artists that influenced me. Topping the list are Adam Ellis, Sarah Andersen, and Owlturd. I also gain a great amount of inspiration from shows like Adventure Time, Gravity Falls and Steven Universe. But illustrators should always continue watching new things because it helps them to widen your “visual library”.

How did we find you?

I knew nothing about the project until Alex contacted me. That’s actually the third time a crypto related project tried to hire me. But this time it really work out well. I love everything about this job! Shortly after Alex made me an offer, I invited Alice and Rona to join me. Now we are team. As the head of the team I don’t really draw that much, my job is to generate ideas. Then I make sketches and give them to the girls and they turn them into the awesome final illustrations that you see in our blog.

Tell me about your hobbies other than art!

Actually drawing is the biggest part of my life so there’s not much more besides that. Here in Saint Petersburg we have a small club called Lazy Artists’ Society. We meet on weekends, drink coffee, talk and draw different things. I also have an online course for illustrators and am planning to put more time and attention into creation of educational content. I want illustrators to know not only how to draw a better picture but also to express their personalities through it and of course to believe in themselves. I like to inspire people. I also like yoga, cooking, meeting new people, travelling, dancing and watching Netflix.

Alice Dobrynina

Let us tell you a bit about one of our talented young illustrators with admirable skills

Why do you draw the way you draw?

I prefer, let’s say “my” style, the one I used for the self portrait in this article. I really like graphics and using a lot of details. Why? Don’t know, it’s just what my heart wants I guess.

Who is your favorite artist?

I really like Hieronymus Bosch, because I always liked all of the wild and crazy stuff that goes on in his paintings. Among modern artists, I like Leonardo Santamaria, his artworks are ambient and really appeal to me.

How did you come to join CoinBundle?

My friend Nastya offered me the opportunity to join this project. We had already worked together and created illustrations for another company so I said yes.

Tell me about your pastimes besides art!

I play guitar and I like sewing and cooking, but I always liked drawing the most. It all started with a dinosaur obsession. I read books, magazines and encyclopedias about them and then drew dinosaurs literally EVERYWHERE. Then I attended classes in Sunday school and understood that it’s more than just a hobby. So about two years ago I started to enhance my skills and still keep doing it.

Rona Ivanova

Another member of our creative team is Rona. She’s also a young and promising illustrator who wants to become an animator some day.

What is your favorite drawing style?

I prefer a cartoony style. When I was a kid, cartoons always inspired me. I liked how alive and (at the same time) unrealistic the characters are. It’s amazing how using knowledge of anatomy can help create completely different proportions that still work and look great. I think this style has a lot more life and dynamics than realistic drawing and classic portraits. This style allows me to enliven anything — whether it’s a coin or a stone. Isn’t it amazing?

Do you have a favorite artist?

Honestly, I can’t answer this question exactly, because I’m hooked on different artists at different times. But, they are always connected in one way or another with animation and animated characters. I’m just shocked sometimes when I realize how some artists are able to bring pictures to life.

How did you find CoinBundle?

Oh! There was a chain of important life decisions that led me to CoinBundle. It all started with studying at HSE (Higher School of Economics) Design department. By force of circumstances I left HSE after a year and decided to continue developing as an artist all by myself. I think it’s easier to find your way and your style when nobody’s pushing you. So I started to draw and draw and draw. I devoted myself to it and nothing has changed since then either. When you give so much attention to personal development, it always pays off. People will start to notice you and notice your work and eventually, people will like it. That’s exactly what happened to me. Anastasia noticed me and offered me the chance to join the team, and damn I LOOOOVE this job! I love the CoinBundle team for its perseverance and positive attitude. I’m so glad to be here!

What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t drawing?

In addition to drawing, I’m very interested in animation and I have already started to expand into this sphere. I’m planning to create my own animated series someday and cheer people up with great and colorful stories. So wish me luck and support!

Thank you everyone, for taking a few minutes to get to know the creative backbone of our team. As you can see, they truly love their job and have some amazing talent to showcase. Stand by and follow our blog because you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

Do you have plans to become an illustrator or animator?
Tell us about your artistic dreams in the comments below.



CoinBundle Team

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