Meet CoinBundle’s Programmers

Who’s pushing the buttons?

CoinBundle Team
5 min readSep 28, 2018


Meet Max, Daniil, and Ivan! Our programmers have been working around the clock for months developing and testing the CoinBundle investment platform, so they haven’t had the chance to get out much. To give them a quick break and a change of scenery, we asked them to share a little bit about themselves and their backgrounds. So without further ado, we introduce the development force behind the most secure and easy-to-use cryptocurrency investment platform around.

Please enjoy this fun interview with CoinBundle’s highly talented development team.

Max Loginov

CoinBundle’s CTO and the first dev to introduce to you is Max, who began programming with Basic in the 3rd grade.

Why do you like coding?

Coding is about organizing things. When everything in my code is set up and works as expected, it gives me a great feeling of satisfaction that I organized a small piece of the universe and made life easier by automatically performing a task that is important to me. Codes can work for a long time and won’t wear out or fall apart.

Why did you decide to be a programmer?

It was only about buttons. I just loved pushing them.

Tell everyone about your first computer.

My first computer was a 1990 model ZX Spectrum. I really loved my Speccy and I believe it still works. I learned its Basic language, my first Assembler, and wrote my first large hobby projects with thousands of lines of code. It was exciting learning from trial and error and random pieces of information from here and there because there was no Internet.

Max with his first computer, a 1990 model ZX Spectrum “Speccy”

Later, in high school, I was bored so I started creating funny and harmless computer viruses and then infecting the school computers with them. I was called to principal’s office several times for doing that and the school authorities were kind of easy on me because my viruses were not malicious.

Which program language did you use on your first project?

After learning about my ZX Spectrum, I started writing games and computer graphics in its Assembler language for hobby projects. Since then, I have learned way too many languages. Programming languages and paradigms are merely tools, and I don’t really like the idea of limiting myself with just one or two favorite “screwdrivers.” A good, experienced professional should be familiar with many technologies and aspire to get to know as many programming languages as possible.

Daniil Shustov

Let us tell you a bit about our Head of Development. Daniil has coded since he was 15.

When did you realize that you are a coder?

I started to code at the age of 15. That’s not really early, but I eagerly began exploring cutting edge technologies of the time. I was especially interested in the web and its potential future.

Daniil, Programming the guns

What makes you like it?

I’ve liked the potential cross platform development and open nature of the web — everyone’s front-end code was visible to anyone curious enough.

Who was your role model or why did you decide to be a programmer?

My role models were now famous designers (who code as well) like Cameron Moll, Doug Bowman, and many others. I’m actually a designer and a programmer because I am attracted to the idea of being able to design something and code it right away.

What was your first computer? Can you tell me a short story about it?

My parents bought me my first computer rather late, long after all of my friends had already become “professional” users. I was late to computers, new to programming, and very interested.

What was your first design and program project?

My first project was a website project for computer class. I have excelled at working on websites and was invited to design and develop my school’s official website. I had a lot of fun.

Ivan Medyansky

Last but not least, meet our Fullstack Developer, Ivan, who has been coding since the 8th grade.

Ivan with his very first PC, with Windows98 and a Pentium 4

When did you pick up coding?

It was in 2006, in 8th grade of school. I wrote my first program using Delphi and it was probably a little game on forms. I really liked that process and started to learn how to code.

Why do you enjoy it so much?

I became interested in how a computer works during my childhood and was spending a lot of time exploring it. After some time I understood that many problems can be solved using computer programs. So when you are automating some complex, real-life problem you are making the world better and moving humanity one more small step forward. This inspires me.

I think programming is about decomposing problems and about developing good solution architectures. Both skills are my strong sides.

Who was your role model?

No one. I just always loved to investigate the inner structure of everything and to build architecture and algorithms to solve problems. Even when I was choosing a university, I had a choice between architecture and software engineer.

Do you remember your very first PC?

I got my first PC in 2003 loaded with Windows 98. I don’t remember the hardware details except that the processor was an Intel Pentium 4. That PC was assembled by our family friend — a cool programmer, but after that day I took over most of the household computer and electronics assembly.

I started playing games on it like Halo and Gothic and then tried to create games using Radish Works Cosmos Creator and WC3 maps editor. I have created my first racing game with simple scripts using Cosmos Creator and my friends like to visit my flat to play it.

Which program language did you use in your first project?

My first serious project was a 2D game engine written using C++ and SDL. It was complex with world editor, sounds, and events. During development I understood the importance of the right architecture and good planning. I know a lot of languages now and use many of them.

There is no silver bullet. Programming languages are tools, and each language has it’s strong and weak sides. Programming is more about architecture skills, planning, and problem decomposition. It’s not about languages. It’s important to know several languages on a high level because you will use them in most of projects. My “high level” languages are JS, TS, and C#.

Thank you guys, for sparing some time from your hella busy work schedules to let the community know a little bit about what drives you and what you do around here. ❤️

Do you aspire to be a coder or programmer?

Tell us about your digital dreams in the comments below.



CoinBundle Team

CoinBundle is the easiest way for people to invest in cryptocurrencies. Backed by top Silicon Valley VCs and Y-Combinator. Learn more: