The Path I Took to CoinBundle

The long & the short of how Rona unleashed her raw talent, became passionate, & followed her dreams of illustrating

CoinBundle Team
4 min readOct 24, 2018


So what do I start with? My story is not very long because I’m only 20 years old and have most of my life ahead of me. I decided to tell some stories about the most important parts of my growth. Please enjoy!

I’ve always been a very artistic person. During my childhood I attended music school, played the violin, sang, and took part in stage performances, but I didn’t take any of it very seriously. As time passed, I was growing bored with all of those activities because they just couldn’t grab my attention completely. I shifted between this-and-that and couldn’t figure out what I really needed. I think that’s what made me different from other children.

I remember playing with plush toys which were my favorite things. I didn’t like dolls as much as I liked plushies. They were so much more interesting and had more individuality and plasticity. I always came up with new stories while playing with them. I think that my interest for creating stories and bringing them to life started there and strongly influenced my future development because this passion then transformed into love for animation.

When I was a teenager I started stumbling on beautiful drawings by different artists and they impressed me so much that I started to redraw them one by one. I started to study how different characters are constructed and how their posture affects the narrative. At that moment I couldn’t even imagine how much drawing would capture my future self.

“… no one should ever stop on the way to their dream”

When I started it was very difficult since I had almost no experience and already wanted to create masterpieces. I met people who didn’t perceive drawing as a serious job because they thought of it more like a hobby. So when they heard that I wanted to be an artist they usually said that it won’t work out and that it isn’t a serious job, but I knew that no one should ever stop on the way to their dream. So if someone says that you will fail and everything you do is nonsense, you shouldn’t listen to it. Every person’s judgement is based on their own experience and fears, but you’ll never know what will or will not work out unless you try. You have only one life after all.

Bon Appetit

I began publishing my work so people could see it. Year after year I was growing and so were the amount of fans and friends who were also artists. One day I decided to find a job because everyone advised me to do so… and I mean any job. So I started to work at a mobile phone shop without much thinking and the job went well thanks to my positive attitude. I was selling phones and earning money, but I noticed that something inside me was against the whole situation. My inner voice started to scream that I was wasting my time and most importantly that I was not evolving. When you suddenly realise that you stopped your own growth without solid reasoning, it causes chaos in your mind.

Here you can find my works:

One morning I woke up and decided to go into the office and quit even though I knew I would have no money for some time. That meant that I had to retrench and downsize my expenses, BUT the most important thing that I will be able to develop and invest in is my future! I was — and still am — sure that I am going the right way. The following few months of hard work were not in vain. I was showered with offers — one after another — to participate in cool projects, one of which was Coinbundle, but this is just the beginning!

Going forward, I will develop my skills even more and more! One day you will hear my new story about how I made an animated series, how my level of drawing became even more advanced, how Coinbundle attracted even more people and pleased them with interesting, important and beautiful information about cryptocurrency.

I wish you, dear reader, to achieve success and have nothing to stop you as you find your way!



CoinBundle Team

CoinBundle is the easiest way for people to invest in cryptocurrencies. Backed by top Silicon Valley VCs and Y-Combinator. Learn more: