Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2019


The #StackingSats Investment Strategy.

With Bitcoin’s current price fluctuating between $7,000 to $10,000 USD, buying a single Bitcoin can feel like an unobtainable task for the average person.

For many, it’s more practical to buy portions of Bitcoin at a time, but beginning investors may shy away from buying Bitcoin at all due to a mental block around it being so expensive, along with a tendency to think of Bitcoin as being similar to a dollar.

The #StackingSats trend on Twitter promotes the habit of buying Bitcoin in small quantities as a way of saving up money over time.

What it Means to Stack Sats

A satoshi is the smallest increment of Bitcoin, equal to one hundred millionth of one Bitcoin, and “sats” is simply the shortened term for satoshis.

The idea behind #StackingSats is to encourage people to think of satoshis in the same way they do fiat (government-issued) currency, and put small amounts aside in order to eventually save up to a full Bitcoin (or more).

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact origin of the hashtag, but a Google search into the phrase suggests that it was likely made popular by the Tales From the Crypt podcast host Matt Odell.

As the price of Bitcoin goes up, even the tiniest denomination increases in value. The stacking sats mentality is about slowly but surely adding value to your investment portfolio even when you don’t have a lot of money to invest at one time.

How to Get Started

Stacking sats doesn’t necessarily mean having to remember to purchase a certain amount of Bitcoin at certain intervals. You could set up a trading bot to do the work for you, but there are also several other options out there tailored to investors who want to slowly and effortlessly accumulate Bitcoin over time.

Kickback platforms like Lolli and Fold can help you earn sats back on purchases from tons of major retailers. You can read more about these kinds of services here.

CoinBits is an app similar to Acorn and Stash, but for Bitcoin. It rounds up your purchases to the nearest dollar and invests the change for you automatically.




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