Are you looking for Abstract Art great NFTs? Here are 10 you can choose from!

Adrian Niculescu
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2021


Abstract Art NFT’s are in high demand right now. Take a look at these low-priced, high-potential abstract art NFTs from Crypto Taylor.

Strings of Life Digital NFT Abstract Art

Strings of Life Digital NFT Art

Strings of Life Digital NFT Abstract Art is Crypto Taylor’s expression of how fragile life is and how important is to cherish every moment and not settle for less.

Strings of Life Digital NFT Abstract Art — add it to your collection by purchasing it from here!

Splash Digital NFT Abstract Art

Splash Digital NFT Abstract Art

Splash Digital NFT Abstract Art is Crypto Taylor’s expression of how the life is a beautiful, far from perfect mix of colours.

Splash Digital NFT Abstract Art — add it to your collection by purchasing it from here!

Nature’s Salad Digital NFT Abstract Art

Nature’s Salad Digital NFT Abstract Art

Nature’s Salad Digital NFT Abstract Art is simply Crypto Taylor’s view on the natural…



Adrian Niculescu

Digital Assets Investment Banker| Speaker | Investor | Online and Real Estate Entrepreneur | Music Producer