CoinDeal update — 21.06.2019

The CoinDeal Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2019

Passing by month was full of work and a lot of effort for us. But now we can already unveil a few new, exciting announcements.

First of all, we are now available in the United States. Second, we are giving away our new tokens. What’s next? Read below to find out more!

  • Let start, though, with something more usual. Another voting for a new cryptocurrency has started. Now, you can choose which digital coin will be added to CoinDeal next. Pick your favorite crypto now!
  • And now, this. We are available in the United States of America! What a news! From now on, you can register your account on CoinDeal, if you are a resident of the US. We informed about it a few weeks ago, and it happened. This is just another legitimacy for our hard work and evidence that we are heading in the right direction.
  • We are just starting. As we said, we put a lot of work on several projects. The second one is CoinDeal Token (CDL). We decided to create our own cryptocurrency and we are giving it away! You don’t need to pay for anything. You just need to register your account on our platform and claim your free tokens. Read more about it on our website.
  • That is not even everything, what we want to share with you. We have one more exciting news for you, but you need to wait for a second until we reveal the information. Stay tuned for more!



The CoinDeal Blog

CoinDeal is a cryptocurrency exchange platform that measures globally and puts the user’s needs always first.