Announcement Regarding ETH & ERC20 Transactions Support
CoinExchange News
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2017

We have formulated this response to try and address most of the issues which users have been experiencing due to the recent Ethereum network congestion problems.

Please read the following announcement thoroughly. is currently experiencing numerous transaction delays due to the recent Ethereum network congestion problems.

This is being caused by a substantial increase in volume of traffic on the Ethereum Network due to a recent release of an ETH based application (CryptoKitties).

We have temporarily disabled ETH and ERC20 wallets halting withdrawals and deposits.

While this in an external issue affecting the entire Ethereum network, it is out of CoinExchange’s control. Please be assured we are actively working to do what we can, with the aim to clear pending and lost transactions ASAP.

In the meantime, the ETH and ERC20 wallets have been put into maintenance in order to mitigate the effect of this network congestion escalating, as well as to protect our users from further delays on subsequent transactions.

There has been a large number of user transactions affected by this event, and with the additional support load, we ask that you please close and do not create new support tickets relating to this issue until 24 hours after the ETH and ERC20 wallets are out of maintenance and have been re-enabled.

If you sent a transaction and it has not been received or you are unable to locate the transaction on the block chain, please do not be alarmed.

“Lost” or pending transactions are likely in the global Ethereum transaction pool and should clear once the network decongests and we have re-enabled our wallets.

While we do not foresee these issues to be ongoing for an extended period of time, we appreciate your understanding and patience while we address the problems.

Our apologies once again for any delays and inconvenience caused by this. While this is a global issue, which has affected multiple exchanges and users, please be assured that is working extensively to resume functionality to it’s users as soon as possible.

