Announcing Orchid (OXT) trading on CoinList

Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2020

CoinList’s mission is to help the world’s high-potential crypto projects grow and succeed. We’ve worked with top projects to power their token sales and auctions, and to connect developers to their ecosystems. As a natural next step, we’ve launched early access to an easy-to-use trading platform, with support for BTC, ETH, and ALGO.

We are proud to announce the next asset available for trading on CoinList: OXT.

Orchid takes a new approach to digital privacy with the first peer-to-peer, incentivized privacy network. On the network, anyone can buy and sell bandwidth using the Orchid digital currency (OXT). Users can browse privately and access content without being limited by their geography. With its decentralized design, multi-hop architecture, and Open Source ethos, Orchid offers users unprecedented digital privacy in a trustless context. Learn more about OXT and Orchid.

CoinList has long been a believer in the Orchid project, and we are excited to continue our support for the next stage of Orchid’s growth — mainstream adoption.

We are proud to support trading, as the Orchid network can only function and grow alongside a healthy market for OXT. Both data users and data providers alike need to be able to purchase OXT in order to access the Orchid service. As the Orchid network grows, there must be a robust, compliant and trustworthy OXT market. CoinList is committed to supporting that growth.

Orchid Co-Founder and CEO Dr. Steven Waterhouse said:

“We are thrilled to have such a trusted partner in CoinList. Our community can feel confident when purchasing OXT on a platform with a proven track record of regulatory compliance and security best practices.”

We will announce the official OXT trading date shortly. In the meantime, CoinList users can now deposit OXT directly into their CoinList wallets in preparation for trading.

Deposit OXT now —

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