Announcing the Chainlink + CoinList Hackathon

Justin Gregorius
Published in
5 min readOct 8, 2019

After wrapping up two successful hacakthons with Cheeze Wizards and IDEO, we’re excited to announce our next hackathon: The Chainlink+CoinList hackathon.

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that gives smart contracts secure and reliable access to data providers, web APIs, enterprise systems, other blockchains and much more. Whether its receiving off-chain data to trigger your smart contract or connecting to an external payment system to settle it, ChainLink opens up a huge number of possible applications to developers. We’re stoked to work with the ChainList team to help bridge the connection between real-world data and smart contracts.

Building Smart Contracts Using Off-Chain Resources

The Chainlink+CoinList hackathon will begin on October 14 and is focused on “Building Smart Contracts Using Off-Chain Resources.”

Hackathon Scope

We’ve listed some ideas below but participants are encouraged to work on what they feel most passionate about. We’re excited about applications of smart contracts to social issues and so there’s an additional positive impact award for a project that best addresses a social / community issue. There will also be bounties up for grabs from data providers and sponsors.

  1. Create a State Change Using a Chainlink Oracle

All submissions must demonstrate how a smart contract can use Chainlink oracles to fetch data off-chain and use said data to trigger an on-chain state change. For example, you can use market data to trigger a derivatives contract, retrieve IoT sensor data to determine an insurance payout, extract gaming results via a web API to reward winners of online competitions or more. Given the massive pool of valuable data that exists off-chain, there are boundless ways to leverage it in unique and pragmatic smart contract designs. So get creative!

2. Data Aggregation

Another area we’re particularly interested in is how projects aggregate off-chain data into a single input to trigger their on-chain contract. Since Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network, developers are able to obtain multiple data feeds and then aggregate them together into a single data point by using a median, weighted average, removing outliers, etc. We’re very curious to observe how developers take advantage of Chainlink’s decentralization to create reliable and trusted data through various aggregation strategies.

3. Original Code and Practical Business Models

We are looking for projects with original source code (written during the event only) and have practical business models that can be easily applied in the real world. While experimental concepts are great to push the space forward, we’re interested in smart contracts that can be implemented today and meet actual adoption. We will take into consideration areas like game theory, industry fit, and potential consumer demand when judging a project’s viability in the real world.

Prizes (Over $60K worth of bounties available)

Chainlink Bounties

1st Place — $15,000

2nd Place — $8,000

3rd Place — $5,000

Positive Impact — $2,000

6 Judge’s Choices — $1,000 each

All bounties paid in LINK tokens

Sponsor Prizes


  • 1st Place: 1 Year Professional API Amberdata subscription (10k value) and 100 DAI
  • 2nd Place: 1 Year Professional API Amberdata day subscription (10k worth) and 50 DAI
  • 3rd Place: 6-month Professional API Amberdata subscription (5K worth)
  • All participants that include Amberdata in their project will receive a 3-month free coupon to Amberdata’s professional API.

Get Involved

You can sign up for the hackathon here.

If you’re interested in learning more about Chainlink, join their Discord or check out their Github.

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Justin Gregorius

Business Operations @CoinList. Founder of the Cryptocurrency Club at Boston College