Announcing the winners of the IDEO + CoinList Hackathon

Justin Gregorius
Published in
6 min readOct 21, 2019

On August 5th, we announced the IDEO+CoinList hackathon aimed at Making Blockchains Useful and Usable. We’ve really enjoyed collaborating with some great partners like Ethereum Foundation, Tezos, Oasis Labs, Near Protocol and Stellar Development Foundation to expand the applications of blockchain technology

We had three broad categories for the hackathon:

  1. Things that Radically Simplify the User Experiences
  2. Things that Bring People into Crypto
  3. Things that Bring Crypto to People

We received over 200+ registrations and over 30 project submissions. You can see a full list of submissions here:

We also had an amazing panel of industry leaders judging the submissions from Ethereum Foundation, Tezos, Oasis Labs, Near Protocol and Stellar Development Foundation.

Hackathon Winners

Overall Winner: Dial Crypto

Dial Crypto created a digital currency wallet and payment system that allows people to transfer Bitcoin and ETH instantly between phone numbers! They make this possible by using the same technology as mobile money products (USSD).

USSD is a popular technology and interface used to make mobile payments in Africa (it had 90% market share in 2018). Dial Crypto leverages the existing USSD interface so that anyone can easily transfer Bitcoin or Ether between phone numbers. Dial Crypto even works on feature phones and doesn’t require internet to access the service! Read more about the project here.

Runner Up: Kame

Kame is a Twitch extension that allows streamers to mint ERC721 collectibles and send them to their viewers directly within Twitch! Given how passionate the Twitch community is, we think they’ll be well set up for user growth. thThe team also went to TwitchCon in San Diego to meet with potential users and gather adoption.

Check out more about Kame here:

Protocol Winners

Ethereum: White Label Wallet-Widget

The Linkdrop team has focused on getting users outside of crypto ecosystem to try out dapps by clicking a “Linkdrop”. Linkdrop is a claimable digital asset encoded into a shareable link or QR codes. Their team has focussed on building a white-label wallet widget (think Intercom, but for crypto wallet), which any dapp can easily customize and integrate natively.

Check out more about the project here:

Tezos: Ejara

The Ejara team is building an investment and saving platform offering crypto assets accessible from your mobile device, uniquely tailored for the African market.

Check out more about the project here:

Oasis Labs: Love Crypto

Lovecryptolets people earn rewards by doing simple tasks like watching videos, answering surveys, giving feedback on products or sharing on social networks. Lovecrypto app allows businesses and users to pay or receive in both crypto and fiat. The team chose to build on the Oasis blockchain to focus on protecting user privacy.

Check out more here:

Near Protocol: Users United

Users United team build a decentralized tool for users to protest against the centralized companies, without having to delete their account. Leveraging models from organized labor, they created a tool for decentralized boycotts Their first boycott against Facebook quantifies the value of every day, every minute, every second of the boycott on Facebook.

Read more here:

Stellar: VPN Bot

VPNbot allows you to securely provision Wireguard VPNs through a Keybase bot, and pay for them with Stellar.

The team’s goal with VPNbot was to onboard new users to crypto by introducing them to Stellar + Keybase ecosystem. They’re hoping to inspire other developers to build Keybase bots and showcase the benefits of Stellar as a payment protocol.

Check out the project here:

Huge thanks to all the partners who’ve helped make the IDEO+CoinList hackathon a great success.

Next on CoinList Build

Our next hackathon- the Chainlink+ CoinList hackathon starts on October 14th.

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that gives smart contracts secure and reliable access to data providers, web APIs, enterprise systems, cloud providers, IoT devices, payment systems, other blockchains and more. Whether its receiving off-chain data to trigger your smart contract or connecting to an external payment system to settle it, the range of possible applications Chainlink opens up is limitless.


💰Over $60k worth of bounties available for the winners.

🛠Receive mentorship and feedback from various sponsors and mentors like Amberdata, Synthetix, Ampleforth, Linkpool, etc.

🎙CoinList will announce winners to its community of hundreds of thousands of crypto investors and enthusiasts.

🌐 Interact with the Chainlink developer community members from all over the world.

📆The hackathon runs from Oct 14 to Oct 31

Sign up for the hackathon here:

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Justin Gregorius

Business Operations @CoinList. Founder of the Cryptocurrency Club at Boston College