Announcing the winners of the Tezos + CoinList Hackathon

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3 min readJul 7, 2020

Last year, we launched CoinList Build, a platform for blockchain companies to run online hackathons and grow their developer communities. Most recently, CoinList teamed up with TQ Tezos to host the Tezos + CoinList Hackathon. Over the course of the past month, we saw 1,000+ registrants and 30 projects ranging from DeFi apps and Tezos-based games, to oracle libraries and infrastructure tools. This is a big step forward for the Tezos developer ecosystem as it shifts from the infrastructure phase to the application phase.

Thank you to everyone who participated. We were impressed by the projects and are excited to announce the winners:

Decentralized Finance Winners:

DexAuction — First place: $5,000

A decentralized exchange that provides a flexible framework for conducting different formats of auctions in real time with customizable auctioning parameters.

Blockly Tezos — Second place: $3,000

A visual Tezos smart contract editor that translates Blockly blocks to LIGO’s smart contract language.

Games and Collectibles Winners:

Tezos Monsters — First place: $4,000

Horror adventure game to learn about the Tezos blockchain and LIGO’s smart contract language (think CryptoZombies). — Second place: $2,000

A tipping service that allows developers to add tipping functionality to any platform while letting the users keep ownership of their funds.

Oracles on Tezos Winners:

Ungrund Oracle — First place: $4,000

Open source infrastructure to connect micro-services to the Tezos network.

Community Vote Winners:

Crypto-Fantazia — First place: $3,000

A decentralized board game about economics (think Monopoly but crypto-oriented), where crypto-economics mechanisms are entirely implemented by smart contracts on the Tezos blockchain.

Cepheus — Second place: $2,000

Decentralised market place on Tezos. All the information about products is stored on IPFS with the links stored on Tezos.

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to everyone who participated!

Special Thanks

Big shoutout to our judges Alison Mangiero, Kathleen Breitman, Sam McIngvale, and Spencer Noon, and our hackathon partners Baking Bad, Beacon, Cryptonomic, Magic, LIGO, SmartPy, Stove Labs, Taquito, Tezos Commons, TQ Tezos, and Truffle for hosting developer workshops and office hours sessions in addition to providing ongoing developer support. If you are interested in developing on Tezos, you can watch the workshop videos here.

Keep an eye out for future hackathon partnerships coming from CoinList!

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