Pledge Mining = Free Mining?

Crypto Emma
3 min readApr 13, 2022


There are many ways to mine Filecoin, each has its pros and cons. It’d be wise to find a balance between profitability, risk and cost.

Obviously becoming a miner yourself is the most profitable option. However, it’s costly being a miner — a decent set of mining rigs are necessary, not to mention the time cost of learning the codings.

If you just want to spend several hundred bucks on mining, then you should choose cloud mining — simply place an order on your smartphone.

Pledge mining, on the other hand, is the of the lowest risk. What differentiates pledge mining and cloud mining is that you are pledging a token X to earn more token X, while in cloud mining you usually use USDT or USDC to rent hashrate and mine other tokens. This means that when pledge mining, your asset value is always going up. Pledge mining is especially feasible when you are HODLing idle tokens and want to make more out of them.

Filecoin pledge mining vs mining rigs/ cloud mining

When pledge mining, investors only need to pledge tokens and pay for gas fee instead of buying a whole set of mining equipment. However, service providers are taking a certain percentage of the yield, and all the rest belongs to the investors.

The reason why pledge mining can be seen as a method of “mine cryptos for free” is that the pledged tokens will be returned by the end of the contract. Say an investor pledges 100 Filecoins for 180 days, the actual cost is “180-day ownership of 100 Filecoins” rather than 100 Filecoins. Though pledge mining yields less than being a miner or cloud mining, it’s still favored for being essentially free.

Being a miner yourself usually involves hosting fee, slotting fee and etc., which also consume around 20% of output. And on top of that, you’ll need to pay for the mining rigs.

Therefore, pledge mining is good for investors with small funds. But there are few companies that have launched pledge mining services, and even fewer are reliable. Choosing a reliable and compliant service provider is important.

It’s announced that LuckyHash has launched a special offer for Filecoin pledge mining on April 12th. It’s truly “mine cryptos for free”: investors only need to pledge 6 Filecoins (gas fee is not needed) and earn 50% of the mining output.

LuckyHash is a Singapore-based crypto wealth management service provider, which has built an IDC data center in South Korea as early as 2021. It has been providing premium services to over 200,000 satisfied users worldwide.

If you are not interested in mining but want your cryptos such as Filecoin and USDT to increase in value, you can also find suitable services on LuckyHash — LuckyHash savings account. Savings accounts are similar to fixed deposits in traditional banking, but it helps crypto assets grow, USDT savings APY as high as 65%, and Filecoin savings APY as high as 90%.

LuckyHash is also holding a crypto airdrop “Lucky Egg Hunt” in which there are chances to win BTC, TRX, SOL, DOGE, WIN, FIL, USDT for free >> access. The event ends on April 18th, hurry up folks!

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