How to claim ONG with ONT & Interest rate

Taegyu Lim
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2018

The ontology gas (ONG) is used as a transaction fee in the ontology network.
To claim ontology gas, you just need to have ontology in your clay wallet.
You can see the number of ONGs you can claim on the main tab in your clay wallet.
In detailed ONG menu, you can check the number of [Unbound ONG] and [Claimable ONG] that can be received now as follows.

Unbound ONG is token that you receive for having ONT.

You can convert your unbound ONG to claimable ONG with one click. (You can easily convert it by tapping the arrow button.)

Unbound ONG is continuously updated in real time.

Claimable ONG is coin that can be claimed to your wallet right away. If you click the ‘Receive Now’ button at the bottom, it will be converted to ONG and stored in your wallet.

You can check the interest rate of ONG here.

If you hold 10000 ONT, you can approximately receive

4.32 ONG / Day
30.2 ONG / Week
133.9 ONG / Month
1576.8 ONG / Year

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