[Poloniex] How to retrieve your API Key

CoinManager Dev Team
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2017

*Disclaimer : In this guide we recommend to set your permissions properly — to make it read only. If you follow this guide properly, CoinAlarm has no risk of losing your asset. And we do not take responsibility of your loss from personal mistake on mananging your API Keys.

  1. First you have to login on Poloniex and select ‘Setting’ icon, and you can find “API KEYS” menu.

2. You can see this page and if you didn’t create API Keys previously, maybe API Access is disabled. You should enable it first.

Anyway, after enabling your API Access, press “Create New Key”.

You should confirm this action on your e-mail.

3. If you completed confirmations, you can see your API Key and Secret Key. Keep it and input them on CoinAlarm app in order to track your portfolio.

**You should check “Enable Trading” OFF, in order to prevent probable hacking and loss of your asset. Also check that “Enable Withdrawals” is off. (Default option is On for trading, Off for withdrawals)

4. If you put that API Key and Secret Key on CoinAlarm app, (Put right above “+” button on Balance menu) You can now keep track of your asset on Poloniex.

