CoinMarketApp — Our Story. . . 📜

Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2018

For a while now, I was planning to write a story on Medium, so I thought to myself, what a better time to do it than a lazy, sunny Sunday morning!

The song it’s just to set the mood, and I am pretty sure that some of you are mumbling the lyrics right now... That’s ok, nothing to be embarrassed about!

Anyway, let’s get back to the story!🙂

CoinMarketApp initially started back in the summer of 2015 (on Android), and it pretty much had a straightforward functionality, to fetch coins and their prices from At the time, cryptocurrency wasn’t as “cool” as it is today. Therefore the app wasn’t getting too much attention.

It wasn’t up until the summer of 2017 that the app started getting some traffic and user interaction and thought that this could have potential to become something bigger.

So it began, I started working on the app day and night to elevate it by adding more features, creating a better design and in general to improve the user experience. Along the way, three more people joined the team, and with everyone's support we made the app what it is today.

Since day one we moved forward with our users suggestions in mind and tried to implement as many of their requests as possible. This is because we realise that you guys are the heartbeat of the app and by listening to what you have to say we can move forward the right way.

For the time being the future looks bright, with more than 500,000 downloads and an average rating of 4.7 on Play Store. Also, within the next week we will release our first version of the app on the Apple Store which hopefully will get the same amount of affection as the one on Play Store.

That is all for now, I will be leaving you with a big Thank You for all the support you have given us and a list of our upcoming features! Any questions/suggestions you might have please let us know, we are 1 click away! 😊 ✌🏼

Speak soon,

Mr. Dev

Upcoming features:

  • Portfolio 💼
  • Candlestick Chart 📊
  • ..and many more! 😃

Try out the app:

📲 Play Store: click here

📲 Apple Store: *Will be released within the next week.*




a small team that dreams big and works hard. We are just at the beginning so stick around for more! :)