Converting your exchange trades into Telegram signals

Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2023
Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash

*the link to the guide is in the end of the article*

Crypto Telegram signals are trading recommendations and insights shared within Telegram groups by experienced traders or automated Telegram bots. These signals facilitate social trading, enabling traders to exchange strategies and information related to cryptocurrency trading. They offer market analysis, real-time price updates, and buy/sell recommendations that empower traders to make informed decisions.

By leveraging these signals, traders gain a competitive advantage in the fast-paced and volatile world of crypto trading, accessing the expertise of others and staying updated on market trends without extensive research.

Traders’ followers in Telegram utilize these signals in multiple ways. They receive instant notifications when new signals are posted, analyze the provided information, such as the specific cryptocurrency, entry price, target price, and stop-loss level, and then execute trades on their preferred cryptocurrency exchange platforms. Followers can also engage in discussions within the Telegram group, seeking clarifications and sharing their own insights.

It’s important to note that followers have the autonomy to decide whether to act upon the signals or not. They can assess the credibility and track record of the signal provider, conduct their own research, and consider their risk tolerance before making any trading decisions.

Coinmatics is a software that helps crypto traders convert their trades on exchanges into Telegram signals. By connecting their exchange accounts to the Coinmatics platform, traders can seamlessly integrate their trading activities with Telegram.

Coinmatics acts as a bridge between the exchange and Telegram, automatically generating signals based on the trades executed by the trader. These signals include essential information such as the traded cryptocurrency, entry (Futures strategies only) and exit prices, exchange name and the participating balance.

To convert the trades into signals, Coinmatics requires you to connect to the exchange account through an API key and create a strategy that represents the trading performance and allows to convert the trades into Telegram signals.

The next step is to subscribe to your own strategy and use the third-party Telegram bot to redirect the signals from the Coinmatics bot to your own channel.

Please note that Coinmatics is not responsible for the actions of third-party Telegram app.

This integration provides convenience and efficiency to traders, as they no longer need to manually create and share signals on Telegram. Instead, Coinmatics automates the process, ensuring that the signals are timely and accurately reflect the trades made on the exchange.

Overall, Coinmatics simplifies the process of sharing trading signals on Telegram by seamlessly converting trades executed on exchanges into signals. In order to get started, please send us a request to email to receive a step-by-step guide on how you can convert trades into Telegram signals.

You’ll find the guide here:




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