Does Your Copy Trading Actually Work?

Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2020
Get profit with top traders today!

Imagine that you’re sitting in your comfy chair, drinking green tea, and looking at the laptop screen depicting the page with your Binance wallet. And the money is going up. Marvelous, isn’t it?

You can achieve it by using the simpliest formula:

profitable trading strategy + money deposit + safe copy trading platform (let it be Coinmatics) = constant passive income.

But then smth happens: suddenly there are fewer changes on the exchange balance and you decide to have a look at your Coinmatics copy trading account.

OMG! Success rate of copy trading is less than 50%!

Do not panic. We know how to help you. Firstly, take a nice deep breath. Secondly, open the tab Copy Trading — My Subscriptions. Click on Copied Signals. You need to check if you have any errors in copy trading transactions. If there are some, analyze why they appeared.

The most common reasons:

  • your portfolio does not match the trader’s portfolio, so the system can’t make a transaction in a coin that you don’t have.
  • you don’t have enough money on the exchange balance, so some orders placed by you are below the minimum amount and transactions can’t be conducted. We recommend having at least $200 for successful copy trading (the more the better).
Example: the system can’t copy the deals as the user doesn’t have enough DASH coin

As mentioned above, be sure that your portfolio is similar to the trader’s asset allocation.

You can compare the trader’s allocation of assets and yours in Portfolio. If they are different you need to align your portfolio.

How to align yours and the trader’s portfolio?

You can do it manually or automatically. Manual method is pretty straightforward — you go to the exchange and make some trades to make your asset allocation match the strategy. Boring, yeah? That’s why we offer a quicker and easier way — automatic alignment. To use it, go to Copy Trading — My Subscriptions, open Auto Trading tab and find the strategy. Right to its name you’ll see an “Align Portfolio” button — click it. This will launch the auto alignment feature again.


We recommend converting all your coins to BTC or USDT before the auto alignment operation for better results.

So, the system will do everything for you. As a result, when the balance is adequate and the portfolio has been aligned, Success Rate should be on the highest level.

May the tailwind inflate your profits!

Coinmatics. Trade With The Best.

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Copy Trading Platform for crypto traders. Replicate performance of our successful traders straight on your Binance account.