What is Copy Trading?

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3 min readSep 20, 2019
What is Copy Trading?
What is Copy Trading?

Copy Trading is an instrument for trading, which is based on copying deals of experienced successful traders.

If their actions lead to success, you can replicate them and make a profit as well, with no specific knowledge and experience. This, in short, is the main principle of Copy Trading.

The strategy, which originated at the fund markets, has become popular in the sphere of cryptocurrencies. Crypto markets have been actively developing along with the technologies, which provides the participants of those markets with convenient and efficient tools. The use of Copy Trading platforms with the possibility to subscribe to multiple leading crypto traders has become a trend of nowadays cryptocurrency trades.

Copy Trading = Social Trading=Mirror Trading
Copy Trading = Social Trading=Mirror Trading

For example, Coinmatics company provides such a platform — crypto copy trading platform, which maintains the copy trading processes. Both professional traders and beginners can gain profit with this service.

Copy traders/investors at Coinmatics subscribe to strategies submitted by professionals and copy trades automatically or manually depending on their preferences.

Professional traders get profit from the investors who subscribe to their strategies and copy them automatically (automatic copy trading) or earn on payments from people subscribed to Telegram alerts (manual copy trading).

Why is Copy Trading popular among newbie traders?

After registering at Coinmatics and getting an account, you can observe objective statistics on different crypto traders’ strategies and select the most successful of them to subscribe and monitor its trades.

Thanks to the subscription, one can not only gain profit by mirroring deals but also enhance cryptocurrency trading skills by analyzing the copying actions. So, that’s can be a useful practical educational tool for investors.

Thus, whereas previously, investors had to gather and analyze information manually, the full and transparent data on traders is there for you instead now. The platform displays all signals for each trader’s strategy, as well as the trader’s trading period, total and average profit, etc. So, having assessed the riskiness of the strategy, you will make an informed decision about subscribing to a trading strategy.

Evidently, investment operations are always a risk, especially when we talk about volatile currencies. But copy trading platform mitigates the risk by moderating the strategies by rating.

How to start using Coinmatics?

Thanks to the feature, you can stay on top of cryptocurrencies and make a profit, saving your time. All you need to do is to visit Coinmatics.com, open Copy Trading tab, choose a trader, and sign up for the signals. The subscription can be either free or charged, which is up to a trader.

On the one hand, beginners/investors can earn money by copying more proficient players, who in turn can gain an additional income from subscriptions, while the social trading platform receives a share for service provision. Some traders allow to copy their strategies for free, so you can test the platform performance easily.

On the other hand, if you are an experienced trader, it’s beneficial to add your portfolio to the social trading platform, show good stats, and start receiving an additional profit from subscriptions.

If your actions are frequently profitable, you get to the top of the rating, which grants you more subscribers, and therefore increases your passive income.

Coinmatics displays all signals for each trader’s strategy, as well as the trader’s trading period, total and average profit,
Coinmatics displays all signals for each trader’s strategy, as well as the trader’s trading period, total and average profit, etc.

Thus, Copy Trading is a win-win-win-system, which is reasonable for everyone to join to.

Sign up for Coinmatics.com, start Copy Trading and enjoy the profits of active crypto trading today!

Written by Ivan Mikhailov.

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Copy Trading Platform for crypto traders. Replicate performance of our successful traders straight on your Binance account. https://coinmatics.com