The Coin Mine Australia Team answers your questions…

Kelvin Daley



Where is your company registered?

Coin Mine Australia Pty Ltd is registered in Australia. The company is regulated by the Australian Investment and Securities Commission (ASIC).

Coin Mine Australia Pty Ltd Australian Company Number (ACN): 623 906 990

Confirmation of registration details can be found at:

Additional information can be found in our Whitepaper and Disclosure Documents at:

Can I have details of any intellectual property which the company has created?

We are a crypto mining operation and our product is physical infrastructure. We do not hold intellectual property that will be brought to market. The intellectual property we hold in terms of bespoke algorithms and code is held securely by the company.

Can you share your TGE Cap Table?

Tokens will be distributed via the TGE as follows:

120,000,000 Tokens to TGE Participants (80%)

15,000,000 Tokens to Bounty and Marketing Incentives (10%)

7,500,000 Tokens to Future Staff & Partnership Incentives (5%)

7,500,000 Tokens to Founders & Advisors (5%)

What is the vesting schedule for Team and Advisors token?

We will set aside 5% of the total token allocation for current founders and advisors with a further 5% allocated for future staff. The tokens will be escrowed for a minimum of 12 Months after the end of the TGE. Further information can be found in the Token Paper at:

Is vesting for Team and Advisors coded in the smart contract?

No it is not, although we do have a freeze function that will be used to enforce the escrow of tokens for founders, team and advisors.

What does your power pricing look like?

We acknowledge that Western Australia does have higher energy costs than other parts of the world, but we feel that participants will also look to the security of supply, stability of commercial electricity contract pricing and increasing availability of renewables as providing stability and lower levels of risk in the operation.

Locating operations in Australia also offers participants low levels of sovereign risk, high standards of corporate governance, regulation and commercial law as significant counter weights to some jurisdictions with cheaper electricity markets.

With regards to your specific question, we have carried out comprehensive analysis of how current and future electricity pricing impacts the operation. As part of that analysis we have identified a breakeven electricity price for the operation at AUD0.67/kwh. Currently non contracted larger user commercial power rates stand at AUD0.19/kwh (peak) and AUD0.12/kwh (off-peak). In our discussions with providers we have indicative pricing for fixed term contracted supply at 20% below these rates if the mining operation achieves its full 16,000 GPU capacity.

Was your smart contract audited by an independent cybersecurity company?

Yes, and we continue to retain their services. For the smart contract particular attention was paid to issues such as ZeroFunctionSelector, DelegateCallReturnValue, ECRecoverMalformedInput, SkipEmptyStringLiteral.

They perform infrastructure vulnerability assessments including intrusion and penetration testing.

Information on our independent cybersecurity advisors, Hivint, can be found at:

Could I have a link to your github repo?

The link to our github repo will be released once the TGE goes live. The repository will show the ERC20 contract.

Are you using a reputable 3rd party for KYC verification? How safe is it to upload my Identity Document on your site?

Coin Mine Australia operates in jurisdictions with strict KYC and AML regulations and takes its obligations under these regulations seriously. In order to meet regulatory KYC and AML requirements for the TGE we have employed the services of Truiloo, one of the world’s largest and most reputable global identification and verifications services. All documents provided will be encrypted and held on AWS S3 storage for the minimum times required by law under each jurisdiction.

For more information about our KYC/AML service provider please visit:

Can US investors participate in the sale?

The Coin Mine Australia TGE restricts access for Citizens, Greencard holders and Residents of the United States to the category of “Accredited Investors“ under the U.S. Security Act Regulation D Rule 506 (4).

Therefore, in the United States, CMA Tokens can only be distributed to “Accredited Investors” with a net worth of USD $1,000,000 (excluding the value of their primary residence) or have a minimum income of USD $200,000 each year for the last two years (or USD $300,000 combined income if married).

The term “Accredited Investor” is defined under Rule 501 of Regulation D of the U.S. Security Act and classification requires confirmation from a Tax Advisor or Chartered Accountant.

Where is my money going and what will it be used for? Is my money going to be used to “cash out” others?

Coin Mine Australia will deploy ninety two point five percent (92.5%) of funds raised in the TGE to hardware and infrastructure costs, including a hardware refresh reserve and contingency fund. Five percent (5%) will be allocated to registration on exchanges and promotion of the CMA token. The final (2.5%) will be allocated to legal and regulatory compliance costs.

No TGE funds will be used to ‘cash out’ or ‘reimburse’ others.

What specific rights come with my investment?

Token Holders will be issued with a lifetime token that is fully transferable, tradeable and entitles them to their share of 85% of all mining profits, the remaining 15% being reinvested in a refresh and growth fund to ensure the future profitability of the operation. Token Holders will receive payouts monthly. First payouts will be issued no later than 31 Dec 2018.

How, when, and at what cost can I sell my investment? For example, do I have a right to give the token or coin back to the company or to receive a refund? Can I resell the coin or token, and if so, are there any limitations on my ability to resell?

Tokens will be purchased directly from Coin Mine Australia during the Token Generation Event. There is a hard cap of 150,000,000 tokens.

The CMA token is fully compliant with U.S. SEC regulations. CMA Tokens may be traded on secondary exchanges after the Token Generation Event in addition to public regulated exchanges when listed. Tokens may be transferred directly between ERC20 compliant wallets at any time after issuance.

As part of the Token Generation Event, Coin Mine Australia will be targeting major exchanges to list the CMA Token. Exchanges include, but are not limited to:

● Cryptopia

● HitBTC

● Binance

● Poloniex

● Bittrex

A portion of the funds raised through the Token Generation Event will be applied to listing and compliance costs with each major exchange.

The CMA token generation event (Main Sale) will start on the 2 April 2018. 120,000,000 CMA Tokens have been allocated for the TGE and are priced at USD 20 cents per token. The number of CMA Tokens available in the main sale will be dependent on the number of CMA Tokens sold in the pre-sale period.

You will be able to acquire CMA Tokens in exchange for Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC) or fiat currency. Payment must be received at (TGE Website) and at no other domains or portals. Please note that purchase of CMA Tokens is non-refundable.

Coin Mine Australia anticipates that delivery of CMA Tokens to you will be after the receipt of funds from you, but no later than 60 days after the TGE closes if KYC/AML and verification documentation is submitted and accepted within 7days of the TGE completion.

The CMA tokens will be sent to the Ethereum address provided by the purchaser at the time of the purchase. Coin Mine Australia will not accept any responsibility for the incorrect delivery of CMA tokens due to invalid Ether addresses supplied.

If a digital wallet is involved, what happens if I lose the key? Will I still have access to my investment?

We do not provide a digital wallet nor will we be building one. There are many capable ERC20 compliant wallets already available in the crypto ecosystem that would suit payouts from the Coin Mine Australia operation. We feel it’s our responsibility to inform users of the wallets we recommend as well as guide them to follow best security practices.

What protections may or may not be available in the event of fraud, a hack, malware, or a downturn in business prospects?

Physical and cyber security risk management is one of our highest priorities and we understand that ensuring participants interests in the mining operation are secure is paramount to the operations success. It for this reason we employ third party cybersecurity advisors, we encrypt all data that we hold and secure physical assets with biometric measures.

Furthermore, we mitigate the risk of financial loss by transferring mining outputs to participants on a monthly basis. This means that financial exposure is never greater than one months worth of mining rewards at any given time.

In terms of economic downside change, no investment or business is immune and therefore it is something that is uninsurable. However, through our model we are investing in physical assets that are required for the mining operation and which in the event of major corporate failure could be realised through sale.

