How We Can Help Private Syndicates & Catalyze Positive Change in the ICO Ecosystem

Dan Desa
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2018

ICO investing is a tricky business that requires thorough due diligence, extensive personal networks, technical code review expertise, and increasing sums of capital to meet pre-sale minimums. As a result, investors are pooling their collective resources in “private syndicates”, which provide some of the ‘smartest’ money to fund top quality ICO projects.

Investors looking to form syndicates can do so using tools such as PrimaBlock. However, there are three ways in which these tools fall short of unlocking their investors’ full expertise.

  1. Unreasonable Fees. The current options require investors to pay fees on their investment principal. This is something that we believe is anathema to decentralized and egalitarian crypto business.
  2. Clunky UX. The interfaces are cumbersome to use, too technical, and not user-friendly.
  3. Inability to Monetize Expertise. Most critically, these solutions fail to unlock the large sums of untapped crypto and fiat money that is stagnating on the sidelines due to the hurdles of ICO investing.

CoinMirror unlocks the potential of ICOs in a better way by solving these three issues. CoinMirror offers:

  1. A transparent fee structure based on profits only. We believe that we should only be paid when our users make money using our tech. We are actively engaged with private syndicates to discuss what fee structures make the most sense for them.
  2. A best-in-class user experience. By integrating MetaMask into our platform, we eliminate Wallet Addresses and unnecessary data entry.
  3. A simple, 5-minute way for private syndicates to ‘go public’. CoinMirror has integrated a function where Private Syndicates can ‘go public’ in less than 5 minutes, and allow retail users to ‘mirror’ their investments. Whenever the public syndicate invests in an ICO, the participating retail users’ funds are deployed automatically by our Smart Contract. If the ICO investment is successful, a variable % of the profits will go to the Syndicate Lead.

Beyond this, CoinMirror offers an auditable, shareable way for investors to build their reputations in the crypto space.

  • Top investors or syndicates will have the opportunity to increase their profile and reputation as savvy ICO financiers.
  • Our Smart Contract is open-source and available for anyone to audit, in line with the ethos of the decentralized movement.

Above all, CoinMirror catalyzes the healthy development of the ICO ecosystem through the work of pre-existing private syndicates

By unlocking the long-tail of crypto (and soon fiat) investors, and allowing for Smart Contract ‘mirroring’ of their investment decisions, syndicates that are already investing and adding value to quality ICO projects will be able to contribute larger amounts of capital than before. For the ICOs, in addition to the Syndicates’ investment, they gain a larger pool of incentivized investors who hold their token. Unlocking this money (and the user base behind it) is the key to ensuring the long-term adoption and growth of ICO-based businesses.

Together, CoinMirror and its users will accelerate the healthy development of the ICO ecosystem and fulfill the promise of democratized investing, by breaking down barriers and giving power back to the people.

We are actively on-boarding Private Syndicates, Syndicate Leaders and users. If you are interested in learning more about our project, feel free to reach out to us via Telegram, Email, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

We are very excited about building a platform that will only strengthen the reputation, access, and success of ICOs.


Twitter: @coin_mirror

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