🏛️ 93% of Central Banks are Adopting CBDCs and Gold is…

Published in
13 min readAug 24, 2023


GM, Web3Daily readers!

🌟 Glance at Today’s Edition:

📊 The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) predicts 15 significant CBDC launches in a decade.

🚀 86 central banks committed to CBDC development.

🤝 87% of central banks strategize intermediated CBDCs.

🕒 Central banks consider adding cryptocurrencies to balance sheets from 2025.

📝 Governments mull using CBDCs for tax payments.

🌐 93% of central banks actively engaged in CBDC projects.

🛒 Retail and wholesale CBDCs gaining traction.

🔴 CBDCs offer efficiency, central control.

🟢 Decentralized stablecoins offer financial autonomy.

🧈 CBDCs challenge gold’s role.

🌄 The New Era of CBDCs? Greed for Control or New Standard?

🏦 Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has recently conducted a survey that predicts something quite remarkable: over the next ten years, we could witness the launch of as many as 15 significant CBDCs! That’s right, it’s a notable shift in the world of currency. This survey, which involved 86 central banks, unveiled a striking commitment towards developing these digital wonders. The potential impact is considerable — think of CBDCs as newcomers in the financial landscape, ready to challenge traditional currencies.

What’s particularly interesting is that CBDCs aren’t your average digital currencies. They’re designed to grant central banks increased control over transactions and assets, with the potential to reshape the entire financial system. While concerns might arise, given the stakes involved, it’s evident that central banks are genuinely focused on securing their role in the digital age.

Here’s another intriguing tidbit: the BIS envisions a global digital currency system where central banks hold the reins on transactions and asset ownership. As we step into this era of financial digitization, it’s captivating to observe how smaller developing nations are taking the lead, adopting retail CBDCs (for public use) to modernize their economies. On the other hand, developed countries are concentrating on wholesale CBDCs, particularly to enhance cross-border transactions.

For the uninitiated — Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are digital forms of a country’s official currency that are issued and regulated by the central bank of that nation. Unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, which are decentralized and not directly controlled by any central authority, CBDCs are created and managed by a central bank, making them an official extension of a nation’s monetary system.

CBDCs are designed to leverage the benefits of digital technology while maintaining the authority and stability associated with traditional fiat currencies. They exist in electronic form and are typically backed by the central bank’s reserves, similar to physical banknotes and coins. CBDCs can be used for a variety of transactions, both within a country’s borders and in cross-border scenarios.

There are two main types of CBDCs:

  1. Retail CBDCs: These are digital versions of a country’s currency that are available to the general public. Individuals and businesses can use retail CBDCs for everyday transactions, just like they would with physical cash or existing digital payment methods. Retail CBDCs aim to provide a secure and convenient way to make payments, and they may come with features such as instant settlement, programmable money (smart contracts), and potential interest-bearing accounts.
  2. Wholesale CBDCs: Wholesale CBDCs are primarily designed for use by financial institutions, such as banks and payment service providers, for interbank transactions and settling financial transactions. These CBDCs can improve the efficiency of large-scale financial transactions, potentially reducing settlement times and counterparty risks.

📈 Stablecoins in the Eyes of Central Banks

As cryptocurrencies continue to attract attention, stablecoins have been making a significant impact behind the scenes. These stablecoins imitate traditional currencies while incorporating technological elements. The notable aspect here is that their rise hasn’t gone unnoticed; regulatory authorities are keeping a close watch, raising valid questions about how they fit into the global financial landscape.

The survey conducted by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) regarding Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) extended beyond just observations about cryptocurrencies. Instead, it revealed central banks’ hidden intentions regarding these digital innovations. Prepare for a surprising revelation: a substantial 87% of central banks are strategizing to participate in the trend by introducing intermediated CBDCs. Yes, you heard it right; these established institutions are embracing the digital transformation!

⚡ Fast Payment Systems

Transactions that happen in the blink of an eye, where transferring money becomes as easy as clicking a button. This is the realm that fast payment systems are introducing — a realm where the days of waiting for funds to clear are left behind. These systems could be seen as the unsung heroes of our digital age, quietly laying the groundwork for what’s on the horizon — the era of CBDCs.

Countries worldwide are gearing up to modernize their fast payment systems. Why the effort, you might wonder? Well, it’s not just about speed; these systems are actually paving the way for a future where CBDCs play a central role. The spotlight particularly falls on cross-border payments, an area where these swift payment systems are expected to shine. However, it’s worth noting that while many nations are embracing this digital revolution wholeheartedly, some developed countries are approaching the phenomenon of CBDCs with a balanced level of caution.

Fast payment systems, also known as real-time payment systems or instant payment systems, are modern digital platforms that enable individuals, businesses, and institutions to make electronic payments and transfers in real-time. Unlike traditional payment methods that can take hours or even days to clear and settle, fast payment systems provide near-instantaneous transaction processing, allowing funds to be transferred and available for use almost immediately.

The development and adoption of fast payment systems have been driven by the need for more efficient, secure, and convenient payment solutions that align with the fast-paced digital economy. While fast payment systems are distinct from cryptocurrencies and CBDCs, they share the common goal of leveraging digital technology to enhance the speed and efficiency of financial transactions. It seems like they might no longer be so different from CBDCs after all if the Central Bank plans come into fruition.

🌐 Digital Diplomacy with Bitcoin

As nations maneuver their pieces, represented by CBDCs, in the realm of international relations, Bitcoin appears as an unexpected wildcard, introducing both excitement and uncertainty into the mix.

Bitcoin, heralded as a decentralized cryptocurrency and a revolutionary financial technology that we all love in Web3, is proposed as a potential force of stability in the ever-evolving world of global trade. Unlike traditional fiat currencies or CBDCs, which are tied to the financial policies of central authorities, Bitcoin operates outside the control of any single entity. Its decentralized nature, driven by a distributed ledger technology, ensures that no single government or institution has complete authority over it. This characteristic positions Bitcoin as a unique player on the international stage — a currency that isn’t subject to the geopolitical maneuvers and power dynamics that shape the fate of traditional currencies.

Its global nature and lack of allegiance to any nation provide it with a unique vantage point to navigate the intricate web of international relations. While CBDCs might be subject to power plays and diplomatic strategies, Bitcoin remains aloof, transcending the traditional rules of this geopolitical game.

Furthermore, the disruptive potential of Bitcoin in global trade isn’t solely tied to its role as an impartial outsider. Its underlying technology, the blockchain, offers a secure and transparent platform for financial transactions, one that is resistant to censorship and tampering. This could potentially facilitate cross-border transactions and trade relationships without the need for intermediaries or excessive bureaucracy.

📊 Paying Taxes with CBDCs?

Picture yourself as a digital pioneer with the task of introducing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to the world. It might sound exhilarating, but let’s pause for a moment — it’s not a straightforward endeavor. As we delve into the realm of CBDC implementation, we’re confronted with a complex web of technical challenges and intricate collaborations with the private sector. The stakes are high, and success depends on surmounting these obstacles.

Now, let’s delve deeper. As these digital currencies step into the spotlight, a lingering question arises: will they achieve the same level of adoption as their traditional counterparts? It’s a thought-provoking question that engages economists and financial enthusiasts alike. And here’s a twist in the narrative — governments might nudge you toward paying your taxes using CBDCs very soon. Can you envision a future where tax season involves digital currencies? It’s a glimpse into an intriguing and thought-provoking future.

Additionally, there’s the compelling potential for a showdown between CBDCs and the world of cryptocurrencies. Imagine observing two giants prepare for a clash, each armed with their unique strengths and weaknesses. Could CBDCs stand their ground against the dynamic and innovative landscape of cryptocurrencies? It’s a storyline that keeps us pondering about the path of financial innovation and how these digital currencies will carve out their niche in our swiftly evolving world.

📋 93% of All Central Banks are Developing CBDCs

Bank for International Settlements (BIS) survey offers a perspective that lets us witness the unfolding of CBDCs, stablecoins, and cryptocurrencies, all in one go. What stands out is the strong determination of central banks to navigate the intricate landscape of CBDCs. A substantial 93% of them are actively engaged in CBDC projects, signaling that change is indeed underway.

Now, let’s dig deeper. Central banks are gearing up to incorporate cryptocurrencies into their balance sheets, starting from January 2025. This move hints at the merging of conventional finance with the digital era, where these two realms converge in a harmonious interaction. As CBDC development takes the spotlight, we observe the emergence of both retail and wholesale CBDCs. Smaller developing nations embrace retail CBDCs, while developed nations pivot toward wholesale CBDCs to facilitate seamless cross-border transactions.

💸 Financial Freedom and Control

Visualize a scenario where the groundwork is laid for 15 Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) to be circulating by the decade’s end that we know about from the survey. It isn’t solely a matter of digitizing money; it’s a complex interplay involving technology, finance, and individual autonomy.

While we appreciate the potential convenience CBDCs might offer, a shadow of concern arises. This pertains to the level of control — control over transactions, assets, and the overall framework of financial systems. The spotlight falls on striking the right equilibrium between the allure of convenience and the imperative to uphold personal autonomy. This prompts the question:

Can CBDCs provide the desired convenience while preserving our capacity to independently navigate financial paths?

🕶️ Enter the Matrix?

As we delve into this scenario, picture yourself as Keanu Reeves playing Neo from Matrix, confronted with a decision that could significantly impact the future of finance. On one side is the blue pill — Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) — which holds the potential for streamlined transactions and the stability that comes with government backing. On the other side is the red pill — decentralized stablecoins. This choice boils down to either embracing the familiar territory of a centralized system or entering a domain of financial independence that, until recently, felt distant.

Envision a world where every financial action, every possession, every transaction is meticulously logged, blurring the lines of privacy in the pursuit of efficiency. This is the potential downside that CBDCs might bring into focus — a dystopian undertone of heightened centralized control. However, amidst these notions of control, an alternative route emerges. Decentralized stablecoins, these digital currencies free from single governing oversight, offer a glimpse of hope for individuals who crave financial autonomy.

📊 Adoption and Use

From developed nations to those that are still developing, each is contributing to the unfolding digital revolution. The adoption rates are revealing intriguing trends, with nimble developing countries taking the lead in integrating retail CBDCs into their everyday transactions. Meanwhile, more established players are concentrating on the wholesale dimension, particularly for the intricate realm of cross-border payments.

However, there’s a significant aspect we can’t overlook as we navigate through this digital transformation: cryptocurrencies. They are casting an extensive influence over CBDCs, prompting discussions and concerns about how these digital currencies might shape our financial path ahead. The question arises:

Will CBDCs and cryptocurrencies coexist seamlessly, or will they encounter obstacles?

Currently we can observe few occurrences of countries trying to introduce CBDCs into their economies:

  • The Bahamas launched its CBDC called the “Sand Dollar” in 2017. It’s mentioned that the Sand Dollar is a retail CBDC and is aimed at providing greater financial inclusion.
  • Nigeria launched its CBDC called the “eNaira” in 2021. Similar to the Bahamas, Nigeria’s eNaira is likely a retail CBDC as well.
  • Jamaica (according to the CBDC tracker website) became the third country to roll out a retail CBDC earlier in the year.
  • Dominica and Montserrat (Eastern Caribbean countries) central banks rolled out a digital currency called “Dcash” in 2021. This is likely another example of a retail CBDC.
  • El Salvador is known for adopting Bitcoin as legal tender and has shown interest in exploring the use of digital currencies for financial inclusion.

🏛️ Stakeholders and Regulation

Now, let’s focus on the global regulatory efforts that unfold on this grand stage. The rapid adoption and exploration of CBDCs are gaining momentum, causing ripple effects that reverberate throughout the entire financial realm. Various stakeholders, encompassing individuals and institutions, play pivotal roles in shaping the design and trajectory of these digital currencies. This dynamic can be likened to a high-stakes poker game, where each participant strategically plans their moves while keeping their strategies confidential. Concurrently, the crypto industry assumes a critical role within this intricate puzzle, engaging in its own discussions concerning stability and the scrutiny of regulations. It’s akin to a dynamic dance, where traditional financial institutions, innovative technology players, and regulatory bodies each have their distinct roles and agendas.

🧈 Digital Currency Impact on Gold and Value Storage

The emergence of CBDCs and their potential impact on traditional stores of value, such as gold, presents a significant paradigm shift in the world of finance. Historically, gold has been regarded as a symbol of stability and wealth, serving as a store of value for centuries. However, with the rise of the digital age and the advent of CBDCs, questions arise about the future role of gold and how it might coexist with these new forms of digital currency.

CBDCs are digital versions of a country’s fiat currency that are issued and controlled by central banks. They offer the potential for faster, more efficient transactions, increased financial inclusion, and enhanced transparency. As more central banks explore the idea of launching CBDCs, the traditional financial landscape is undergoing a transformative process.

Digital currencies are designed to be direct claims on the central bank, providing an alternative to physical cash. This innovation raises questions about how CBDCs might impact the demand for physical assets like gold.

The digital euro, for example, has already sparked discussions about how CBDCs might redefine the concept of value storage. If people are given an easy, efficient, and secure way to store and transact money digitally through a central bank-backed currency, it could potentially reduce the appeal of traditional stores of value like gold. This shift could reshape investment strategies and challenge the historical significance of gold as a stable asset.

However, while CBDCs offer advantages in terms of efficiency and accessibility, they also introduce concerns about privacy, surveillance, and control. CBDCs would allow central banks to track every transaction, potentially raising issues related to individual financial privacy. This tension between the benefits and drawbacks of CBDCs might lead some individuals to continue seeking alternatives for value storage, such as gold.

Gold has stood the test of time as a tangible and relatively stable asset that is less susceptible to the volatility of digital markets. Its allure as a safe-haven asset during times of economic uncertainty cannot be easily replicated by a digital currency. Additionally, CBDCs are ultimately controlled by central banks and governments, introducing the possibility of manipulation or restrictions on usage.

Central banks are concerned about stablecoins that could function as alternative means of payment, potentially undermining the role of national currencies. The development of stablecoins backed by CBDCs could create complex interactions between traditional fiat currencies, CBDCs, and privately issued digital currencies.

The intersection of CBDCs and gold represents a clash between tradition and innovation, between established value storage methods and the efficiency of digital currencies. The outcome of this evolution will likely depend on people’s preferences for privacy, security, and familiarity, as well as the broader economic and geopolitical landscape. While CBDCs offer technological advancements and potential benefits, the historical reputation of gold as a store of value remains a formidable competitor in the changing financial world.

And then, there’s Bitcoin. Amidst this multitude of contenders, the question arises: in any capacity, could they be potential candidates to assume control?

🔍 Action Items and Next Steps

1️⃣ Keep an eye on CBDC developments and their coexistence with fast payment systems.

2️⃣ Explore the intriguing implications of integrating cryptocurrencies with CBDCs.

3️⃣ Dive into the discussion about CBDCs’ impact on financial freedom and privacy rights.

4️⃣ Stay up-to-date on the evolving regulatory landscape, especially concerning stablecoins.

5️⃣ Tune in to the CBDC education wave and understand the fascinating world that’s emerging.

6️⃣ Don’t forget to track adoption rates and consider the potential challenges governments might face in pushing CBDCs for everyday transactions.

📖 Sources and Further Reading

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Wiktor Grzyb

Founder & Editor, Web3Daily




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