šŸ—³ļø Biden, Trump, Kennedy Jr. or DeSantis? Who is Going to Save Crypto in the Upcoming 2024 US Elections?

12 min readSep 8, 2023


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šŸŒŸ Glance at Todays Edition:

šŸ¤” Candidatesā€™ stances on crypto and CBDCs

šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø Joe Biden: Anti-Crypto, Pro-CBDC

šŸ’” Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Pro-Crypto, Anti-CBDC

šŸ¦ Ron DeSantis: Anti-CBDC, Evolving Crypto Stance

šŸ”„ Donald Trump: Shifting Crypto Perspective

šŸ’² USDā€™s fate in crypto context

šŸ”’ DeFi Role in the Elections

šŸ—³ļø Upcoming 2024 US Presidential Election: Impact on Crypto Regulations and Financial Landscape

The impending 2024 United States presidential election has cast its shadow over the crypto industry, ushering in a wave of speculation regarding potential regulatory changes and their ramifications. As the crypto market faces a critical juncture, the decisions made by the incoming president could either fuel the ongoing bull run or introduce obstacles that challenge its growth. This article delves into the intricate interplay between the upcoming election, presidential candidatesā€™ stances on cryptocurrencies and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and the resulting implications for the financial landscape.

šŸ¤ A Pivotal Election for Crypto Regulations

So, you might be wondering, whatā€™s the deal with the election and our crypto journey? šŸ¤” Well, brace yourselves ā€” the outcome of the election has the power to sway the crypto bull run in a big way. Just think about it: different candidates mean different regulatory approaches. The connection between who takes the presidential seat and how the crypto market behaves is something thatā€™s been on my mind. I still remember the video mentioning that Operation Choke 2.0, a coordinated effort to regulate the crypto industry, could ease up if a Republican candidate wins. But letā€™s not forget that there are also pro-crypto Democrats in the mix, which adds another layer of intrigue to this election season.

Now, letā€™s talk about the elephant in the room: the potential development of a dystopian digital dollar by the Federal Reserve. šŸ˜± The video explained how this election might just be the turning point for whether the US embraces a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Imagine a world where every transaction is monitored and controlled by the government ā€” itā€™s a bit like something out of a sci-fi movie. But the twist is, candidatesā€™ stances on CBDCs could play a pivotal role in determining the fate of financial freedom as we know it. Whether youā€™re a HODLer or a day trader, this development could reshape the way we interact with money.

šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø Meet the Main Candidates!

Joe Biden

Joe Biden: Anti-Crypto, Pro-CBDC

Joe Bidenā€™s approach to crypto has been a topic of keen interest among the digital asset community. As the current President of the United States, his nominations and policy decisions have the potential to shape the regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies and their users. Bidenā€™s nomination of Janet Yellen as Secretary of the Treasury signaled a cautious approach towards cryptocurrencies. Yellenā€™s known skepticism and advocacy for tighter regulations on crypto transactions raised concerns among crypto enthusiasts. Her influence over financial policies and regulations adds an important layer to the discussion.

Furthermore, Bidenā€™s choice for key regulatory roles, such as the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), holds significant implications for the crypto space. The appointment of Gary Gensler as SEC Chair, who has been vocal about his views on digital assets, has set a tone of increased scrutiny and potential regulation. Genslerā€™s stance that most cryptocurrencies are securities subject to SEC oversight could influence the direction of the industry.

While there might be growing numbers of pro-crypto Democrats, Bidenā€™s presidency has still been marked by a cautious approach towards the digital asset space. The implications of his policies and nominations extend beyond the borders of the U.S., as they could influence the global perception and regulatory stance on cryptocurrencies. As we watch the crypto marketā€™s reactions to policy developments under Bidenā€™s administration, itā€™s evident that his approach could have far-reaching effects on the future of cryptocurrencies and their adoption in the mainstream financial landscape.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Pro-Crypto, Anti-CBDC

RFK Jr.ā€™s presence in the crypto narrative is unique due to his background as an environmental lawyer and his distinct perspective on financial freedom. Unlike traditional career politicians, RFK Jr. brings a fresh and informed perspective to the table. His understanding of the decentralized power of cryptocurrencies and their potential to reshape financial systems aligns with the ethos of the crypto community.

RFK Jr.ā€™s commitment to preserving individual freedoms is reflected in his support for self-custody of cryptocurrency. His pledge to enshrine self-custody rights in law is a clear nod to the importance of financial autonomy and control. This stands in stark contrast to the growing concerns about government surveillance and control in the digital age.

Moreover, RFK Jr.ā€™s awareness of the potential pitfalls of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) showcases a keen understanding of the threats posed by a government-controlled digital dollar. His stance against CBDCs resonates with those who value privacy, financial independence, and decentralized systems.

RFK Jr.ā€™s appearance at the Bitcoin conference and his advocacy for blockchain technology underscore his potential as a candidate who could advocate for crypto-friendly policies. His dedication to principles of decentralization, financial freedom, and individual sovereignty make him an intriguing figure in the crypto landscape. As we navigate the complex intersection of politics and crypto, RFK Jr.ā€™s presence serves as a reminder that unique perspectives can lead to innovative solutions and potential shifts in the status quo.

Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis: Anti-CBDC, Evolving Crypto Stance

Ron DeSantis has emerged as a significant figure in the crypto landscape, particularly for his firm stance against Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). As the governor of Florida, he raised many eyebrows when he proposed and passed an anti-CBDC law in the state. While some critics argue that the law might not have teeth to fully prevent CBDCs, its symbolic significance is undeniable. DeSantisā€™s proactive approach in safeguarding against government-controlled digital currencies highlights his dedication to maintaining individual financial sovereignty and the importance of decentralized alternatives.

In addition to his stance on CBDCs, DeSantis has expressed views on cryptocurrencies that align with the principles of financial freedom and minimal government intervention. He has shown a recognition of the value of Bitcoin in its ability to operate outside traditional financial systems and governmental control. While his understanding of the nuances of cryptocurrencies might not be as refined as some other candidates, his genuine commitment to protecting individual rights and liberties is evident in his crypto-related policies.

Itā€™s worth noting that DeSantisā€™s perspective on crypto extends beyond mere political posturing. His willingness to stand against government overreach and maintain an environment that fosters innovation resonates with the core ethos of the cryptocurrency community. His journey in politics, combined with his efforts to safeguard against excessive government control, positions DeSantis as a candidate who could potentially influence the crypto landscape in a direction that aligns with the values of decentralization and financial autonomy.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump: Shifting Crypto Perspective

Donald Trumpā€™s journey through the crypto landscape has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. From initially dismissing cryptocurrencies as a ā€œscamā€ to acknowledging their potential to challenge the dominance of the US dollar, Trumpā€™s journey has been marked by a series of intriguing shifts. His tweets and public statements have captured the attention of the crypto community, sparking both excitement and skepticism.

Trumpā€™s understanding of Bitcoinā€™s potential to become a rival to the US dollar highlights his grasp of the disruptive power of cryptocurrencies. His recognition that Bitcoin could challenge the status quo of the world reserve currency system speaks to his ability to perceive the broader economic implications of digital assets. While his viewpoints have been diverse, itā€™s clear that heā€™s not ignoring the crypto spaceā€™s potential impact on global finance.

However, the complex nature of Trumpā€™s relationship with cryptocurrencies lies in his underlying concern for the strength of the US dollar. His desire for the dollar to remain the worldā€™s dominant currency hints at his reservations about potential rivals, including cryptocurrencies. This dynamic creates a fascinating tension between his recognition of Bitcoinā€™s potential and his allegiance to traditional financial systems.

As we navigate the uncertain terrain of crypto regulation and adoption, Trumpā€™s perspectives could shape the conversation. His acknowledgement of the crypto marketā€™s disruptive potential combined with his concerns about preserving the strength of the US dollar underscore the intricate balance that policymakers must navigate. With Trumpā€™s dynamic viewpoints, the crypto community is left wondering about the potential ripple effects of his influence on the crypto landscape.

šŸ’° Crypto & CBDC Clash

Letā€™s examine where these candidates stand on cryptocurrencies and CBDCs. The juxtaposition of their views on decentralized cryptocurrencies versus centralized CBDCs reflects the broader debate within the financial world. Itā€™s reminiscent of my journey into the crypto universe ā€” I still remember the excitement of discovering Bitcoinā€™s decentralized nature, a refreshing alternative to traditional systems. Itā€™s fascinating to see how these perspectives echo the ongoing dialogue about financial sovereignty and government influence.

The interplay of politiciansā€™ views, past policies, and future implications creates a dynamic narrative. Skepticism surrounding CBDCs and concerns about potential government control are palpable ā€” crossroads between convenience and privacy.

Both Kennedy and DeSantis seem to be anti-CBDCs for now, but does it mean that we wonā€™t see it? Does Trump want to implement CBDCs or not? We just know that he wants to protect the dollar and that is not saying a lot. One is certain though ā€” Biden is going to introduce CBDCs to US sooner or later.

Their decisions could either foster innovation or hinder progress, shaping the path ahead for digital currencies. The prospect of a future where the digital dollar could be just a few clicks away raises intriguing questions about financial freedom and autonomy.

šŸ’² USD Fate

Letā€™s delve into the realm of the US dollar and its status as the world reserve currency. US dollarā€™s central role and how its value reverberates across international markets is not a joke ā€” itā€™s like realizing the pivotal role it plays in connecting economies worldwide. The dollarā€™s status as the dominant reserve currency has been a constant. However, as we assess how candidatesā€™ views might impact this status, itā€™s like contemplating the potential disruption of this longstanding order.

Considering how candidatesā€™ views may influence the dollarā€™s standing is like speculating about your favorite crypto token. I did a deep dive into understanding how the stance of each candidate might affect the dollarā€™s dominance, and the implications are profound. Trump and Biden want to protect the dollar and Kennedy and DeSantis want to protect the financial freedom of individuals. Those two latter wonā€™t be just allowing the dollar to grow weak though. How would they like to be both pro-crypto and pro-dollar? I have no idea! Maybe this is just an election promises that we are seeing.

The currency debate takes us to the heart of how countries interact and how power is wielded in international finance. With the evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies and the candidatesā€™ views on them, itā€™s intriguing to consider whether these digital assets might one day challenge the dollarā€™s supremacy.

šŸ”’ DeFi Role in the Elections

The heartbeat of the crypto world ā€” Decentralized Finance (DeFi). When I think of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.ā€™s support for self-custody of cryptocurrency, itā€™s like hearing the echo of all Bitcoin maximalists who believe in having tangible control over their wealth. Imagine, in this age of digital everything, having the power to safeguard your assets without intermediaries. Itā€™s like being handed the reins of a digital fortress thatā€™s impervious to external whims. I still remember the excitement when I first dabbled in DeFi ā€” swapping tokens, providing liquidity and so on. Itā€™s a movement thatā€™s not just about transactions; itā€™s about the ethos of financial empowerment.

Itā€™s fascinating how we can now lend, borrow, trade, and earn yields without relying on traditional banks. Instead, weā€™re part of a digital ecosystem thatā€™s open to anyone with an internet connection. Many people managed to turn their small crypto holdings into substantial assets by participating in yield farming. Itā€™s a testament to the power of decentralized finance ā€” where youā€™re not just a spectator; youā€™re an active participant shaping your financial destiny.

In a world where trust in traditional financial institutions has wavered, DeFi shines like a guiding light. Self-custody is not just a practice; itā€™s a philosophy that aligns with the core values of the crypto movement ā€” autonomy and privacy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.ā€™s emphasis on this aspect is like a beacon for those who believe in the democratization of finance.

šŸ’” Personal Candidates Views on Crypto

When it comes to Joe Biden, his anti-crypto and pro-CBDC stance is like witnessing a tug of war between tradition and innovation. Itā€™s interesting to see how his viewpoints mirror his administrationā€™s efforts to navigate the crypto landscape while keeping a firm grip on the reins of monetary control. On the flip side, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.ā€™s pro-crypto and anti-CBDC stance is akin to a fresh breeze blowing through the political scene. Itā€™s heartening to witness a candidate who values financial freedom and understands the potential of decentralized currencies like Bitcoin. Both have their reasons, but the impact on the crypto landscape could be profound.

And then thereā€™s Ron DeSantis, his stance on crypto is like a jigsaw puzzle with some missing pieces. Itā€™s intriguing to see how he leans towards an anti-CBDC perspective while also exhibiting a mixed understanding of Bitcoin. Heā€™s like that friend whoā€™s trying to navigate a new video game ā€” they know the basics, but theyā€™re still learning the advanced controls. Meanwhile, Donald Trumpā€™s changing stance on cryptocurrency is a curious tale in itself. Itā€™s like seeing a pendulum swing between skepticism and recognition. From initially calling Bitcoin a ā€œscamā€ to acknowledging its potential to challenge the US dollarā€™s dominance, his journey through the crypto world is like witnessing an ideological evolution unfold before our eyes. šŸ•°ļøšŸ’­

šŸŒŸ Summary

Biden and Trump probably mean problems for crypto.

Kennedy and DeSantis bring some hope.

Seeing how the biggest chances so far for the election have Trump and Biden makes me a little skeptical about the future of crypto in the US.

šŸ” Action Items and Next Steps

1ļøāƒ£ Research Candidate Stances: Dive deep into the crypto-related positions of each presidential candidate. Understand their views on cryptocurrencies, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and financial regulations. This knowledge will be essential in assessing how their potential presidency might impact the crypto landscape.

2ļøāƒ£ Stay Informed on Policy Developments: Keep a close eye on policy developments and campaign promises related to cryptocurrencies. Candidates may release official statements or proposals outlining their plans for the crypto industry. Be ready to analyze these documents critically.

3ļøāƒ£ Advocate for Crypto: If youā€™re passionate about the future of cryptocurrencies, consider engaging in advocacy efforts. Support organizations and initiatives that promote crypto-friendly policies. Your voice and participation can make a difference in shaping regulatory decisions.

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See you on the other side of the blockchain!

Wiktor Grzyb

Founder & Editor, Web3Daily




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