10 Lessons From the Crypto Crash

Jason Glynn


Photo by Pixabay on Pexels (modified)

Dear reader,

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few months (not a bad idea now that I think about it…), you’ve probably seen the news and it ain’t pretty. The markets are down big time and crypto in particular took us all on a heck of a ride. Nobody knows for sure where the next destination will be on this rollercoaster inferno but one thing is for sure, we could all do with a moment to breathe deeply and collect our thoughts.

This is exactly what I did while my pseudonymous peers were panic selling. In fact, I had some “lessons learnt” ideas that I had been cultivating during the 2021 bull run but I suppose the severity of this recent cycleblaster was the catalyst I needed to process them all and line them up in a cohesive article.

So with that in mind, let’s see what these 10 lessons are that I’m taking home from the recent crypto crash.

Lesson 1 — ZERO is not a meme

I think we all learnt that the hard way.

Many people will remember what happened to Squid Games a few months ago. Investors should have known better than to have gotten wrapped up in such a project:



Jason Glynn

Freelance Tech Writer. I write case studies and deep dives on Crypto, Web3 & Emerging Tech. Portfolio: jasonglynn.carrd.co Newsletter: jasonglynn.substack.com