2022 report on DLT & Blockchain in the Wealth Space

Efi Pylarinou


The second edition of the TWM WealthTech Views Report on ` How DLT & Blockchain Are Shaping The Future Of Asset & Wealth Management` is out! Full online report here!

The adoption of the Digital Assets class is no longer doubted and the infrastructure for professional services is being built at an accelerated space. Enterprises are increasingly focused on permissioned Blockchains as an infrastructure in capital markets. The interest and the activity in this area have grown significantly since the launch of the 1st edition in November 2020.

The World Economic Forum estimates that up to 10% of global GDP will be stored and transacted via DLT by 2027. These estimates translate to a whopping US$24 trillion.

In the fourth quarter of 2021, we saw a further set of milestone events in capital markets, investing and banking, all powered by DLT. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is playing an important role in the piloting and researching of various capital markets projects powered by Blockchain technology.

As we launch the 2nd edition of the report on Blockchain`s impact on asset and wealth management, we are also announcing our commitment to the Digital Assets & Blockchain sub-vertical in Wealth.

In this spirit, I am delighted to partner with The Wealth Mosaic, on developing the TWM Digital Assets directory and content services in this area. This partnership is in alignment with my passion to bridge the traditional financial world and the Digitally native world; to create content and amplify knowledge, and to lead with a collaborative-first mindset.

The Wealth Mosaic`s mission has been a Directory-first approach towards accessible, research-focused knowledge in the Wealth Space. We will be developing the knowledge hub for the fast-moving Digital Assets vertical.

The report is structured as follows:

  • Introduction & main trends p. 3–6
  • Two opinion pieces from Lawrence Wintermeyer, Executive Co-Chair of Global Digital Finance (GDF), a non-profit industry membership body promoting the adoption of best practices for Digital Assets and Digital Finance technologies; and from Dr. Guenther Dobrauz, Partner and Leader of PWC Legal Switzerland and a long-time proponent of `the future is decentralized`. P. 7–11
  • The Wealth Mosaic partnership with Efi Pylarinou Advisory p.12
  • The profiles and thought leadership of the contributor firms that have answered to:

👉 Market: What is your view on the impact that DLT and Blockchain is having in reshaping asset and wealth management? What is the current state of the space and how do you foresee it moving forward?

👉Solution: What solutions does your company offer that asset and wealth management firms should consider?

Aave, ALT/AVE, Arab Bank Switzerland, Copper, Cryptoindexseries, DeFi Technologies, FiCAS, FundsDLT, and Metaco.

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Efi Pylarinou

№1 #Finance Global Woman Influencer by Refinitiv 2020 & 2019. Top Global #Fintech Influencer, Futurist, #AI, #Blockchain +: 30yrs FINANCE — https://linktr.ee/Ef