3 BlackRock Anaylsit’s Quietly Released a Paper Telling You How Much of Your Wealth Should Be in Bitcoin (TDLR: Bet the Farm on Bitcoin)

Once you grasp the concept, you’ll realise how enormous this can become.

Jayden Levitt
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2023


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

AI-assistive technology used

Here’s the short answer.

84.9% of your wealth should be in Bitcoin.

The study’s release surprised people like a deer caught in the headlights because how can a once Crypto sceptical company like BlackRock become so bullish on the world’s leading digital asset?

Highflying finance experts are getting “orange pilled”, and it’s magnificent to watch.

Getting orange pilled is where you take a non-believer and turn them into a believer in Bitcoin. It’s akin to the crypto community’s “red-pilled” version, inspired by “The Matrix” movie. Taking the red pill in the film symbolised waking up to the truth of the real world.

If this sounds all too culty, that’s because it is. Sometimes Bitcoiners can come across as Vegan activists ready to (forcibly) make you quit eating anything with a pulse.

I’m neither of them nor here to convince you of anything. However, seeing the penny dropping for some of these…



Jayden Levitt

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