3 Fantom Altcoins with Huge Potential

Sovereign Crypto
6 min readMar 21, 2024


3 Small Cap Fantom Altcoins with 50–100X Potential

Self-Aware Blockchain

There are two growing narratives that have the potential to attract huge capital inflows, and which have massive advantages over the plethora of Layer 1 and 2 chains.

Ethereum Layer 2 Base is growing in leaps and bounds, and rumours are growing that an airdrop is approaching very quickly (article to follow). The other is Fantom, undoubtedly one of the top alternative layer 1 tech stacks which is about to make some serious technological leaps with the advent of its new tech SONIC. Having suffered from the Multichain Bridge hack last year it has had a tough road to recovery, and as a result is providing an asymmetric opportunity. With the introduction of their new Sonic technology and the return of Andre Cronje, FTM could prove to be a darling of this bull run, particularly given that (until recently) it has lagged the general markets.

This article will focus on Fantom protocols, with a focus on smaller cap altcoins that have thus far flown under the radar. Subsequent articles will deep dive into BASE protocols with loads of potential.

Altcoin #1: Equalizer Exchange ($EQUAL/$SCALE)

Equalizer is the second largest DEX on Fantom, which isn’t saying a whole lot given that Fantom currently has less than $200M in TVL. That said, as FTM grows, Equalizer is positioned very well to absorb a huge portion of the influx of capital. Equalizer currently boasts $16M in TVL. By comparison, the largest DEX on Fantom is Spookyswap, with roughly $42M in TVL. On a strictly TVL/MC ratio, Spooky is a slightly better buy at 1.2, while Equalizer sits at roughly 1.0.

Both DEX’s are very similar in terms of product offerings, with your typical Swaps, LP provision, cross-chain swaps, staking, lending, etc. The differentiator and unique selling point for Equalizer is their tokenomics, a slightly better (and growing) product offering, and the addition of a bribing system and liquidity mining system called “Equity”.

Rather than investing directly in the token itself, you can invest by providing liquidity to the Equity pool and minting the Equity token. Equity represents a pro-rata share of the LP pool, and currently earns over 300% APY paid in veEqual tokens (unvested Equal tokens). When buying into the LP pool, you retain a share of the assets within, currently 60% FTM and 40% stables. This gives you excellent participation in the growth of the Fantom ecosystem, while allowing you to farm EQUAL at over 300% APY. A serious no-brainer if you believe in the growth of the FTM.

PaintSwap ($BRUSH)

Paintswap is the OpenSea of Fantom, the top NFT marketplace with a sleek UI and solid user experience. They are highly undervalued at only $15M FDV and nearly 100% circulating.


  • Little to no sell pressure, fully vested and circulating
  • Revenue share by staking $BRUSH
  • Expanding to multiple chains (ARB, POLYGON, KAVA)
  • Only real NFT marketplace on Fantom
  • Recently released a game called Estfor Kingdom that uses their $BRUSH token, and which has had some solid reviews. (not yet tried personally)


  • Low volume
  • Needs to gain user traction

To be clear, PaintSwap has had a bit of a runup in the last few weeks and I am waiting for a pullback before buying a bag. That said, PaintSwap will benefit hugely is FTM continues to gain traction. As the only NFT marketplace of note on Fantom, any meme craze on NFT resurgence could send this token on a moon mission.

Mummy Finance: ($MUMMY)

Mummy Finance is a Perpetuals DEX on Fantom with some very unique tokenomics. I have held $MUMMY for quite some time, but have just begun to re-accumulate and add to the position. Mummy finance was hit hard by the Multichain Bridge hack, but has come through and continues to add chains and features, and is now beginning to get some solid traction.

Prior to the hack, $MUMMY reached over $8, and was pulling in solid fees and Daily Active Users (DAU). The biggest obstacle for Mummy is re-gaining the users and rebuilding the liquidity pool. It is a bit of a catch 22, as one needs the other to grow. That said, they have been building volume and liquidity over the last few weeks, and at only $4M Market Cap, Mummy could moon hard if FTM continues its resurgence.

There are multiple ways to invest in Mummy Finance. For those more risk tolerant, you can buy the token outright and stake it for solid 40–50% yield (varies). For those that like a little more creative (and potentially more lucrative long term) investment strategy, you can contribute to the LP pools. They have the standard LP pools where you contribute and hold a share of the basket of assets (FTM, BTC, ETH, Stables), or a stable LP pool where you add strictly USDC and earn $MUMMY at over 300% APY at the time of writing. My preference is a combination of direct $MUMMY purchase and standard LP, as it also provides exposure to other blue chip crypto assets.


Sentient Blockchain

Fantom is going to melt faces this bull run. When the hack occurred last year, it was unclear how well the ecosystem would be able to weather the storm and recover. Andre Cronje, as the Fantom front-man, is one of the top developers in all of crypto, and has returned with a vengeance to push FTM to new heights.

With the transition to SONIC shortly, FTM will be able to implement forkless upgrades, have true parallel transactions, top tier TPS and finality, native smart contract wallets, reduced data storage requirements by 90%, and a basket of advancements that will set it apart from even the latest generation of Layer 1 chains. The question of whether FTM survives has morphed instead into a question of how much market share it can siphon off other Layer 1 protocols, and how that will translate into the price action of $FTM.

FTM currently sits at a measly $3B market cap. If TVL and traction continue to grow, it could easily see a 20–30X price increase. Solid protocols on Fantom will magnify those returns, and could very well double or triple the return on investment.

Good luck out there, and see you on the next one!

Sovereign Crypto (aka RickyBobby)

I release regular altcoin and crypto updates, subscribe for more info and to keep up to date!

Referral Bonuses/Codes:

Cross Chain Swaps & Bridge: RocketX Exchange

Best rates by far, bridge/swap ANY chain, swap/bridge in a single transaction, CEX & DEX, no KYC.

Private Cross Chain Swaps: HoudiniSwap (no code yet)

Keep all your wallets and transactions private, break the link from sender and receiver. Cheap fees, 20 mins txs, cross-chain, no wallet connections.

✅Browser Wallet: (Metamask alternative): Rabby Wallet

Excellent security measures, very compatible, all EVM chains, built-in swaps and approvals checker.

Best Exchange (non-us): Swissborg

Good rates, medium number of tokens, great ETF-like products, very secure & safe, fast withdrawals, solid on/off ramps, built-in launchpad

Best Exchange (US & Others): Kraken

Good rates, excellent global on/off ramps, medium number of tokens, safe & secure.

Best Futures and Sports/Crypto GambleFI: Rollbit

Amazing easy-to-use UI, easy on/off ramps, up to 1000x futures, sports and other gambleFI.


  • I own or am accumulating the above mentioned tokens/investments.
  • Not financial advice.
  • I rebalance my portfolio occasionally and the above may change from time to time.

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Sovereign Crypto

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