30 Day Challenge Plan: Day 1

Mr. Plan ₿


Today is the first day of my 30-day challenge this month.
I’ve definitely chosen a pretty daring challenge because I want to push my limits to the max.

This morning I woke up at 5am and first thing I went to the kitchen to make myself a coffee. While the coffee was brewing I went to shower with cold water.
As advised it should be a short shower of 2–3 minutes maximum.

I made it a point not to eat after 4pm so I got home and the first thing I did was get ready for the gym.

I got to the gym where as planned I did 30 minutes of stepper. The goal is to be consistent in going to the gym even if I only do it for 30 minutes.
Below you can find the picture after the workout. I managed to burn about 300 kcal which is great.

For now I don’t have to measure my weight, I will probably do that on Saturday or Sunday.

As for giving up sugar I only used it for coffee, which I find quite hard to drink without.

Of course I haven’t neglected my Medium account where I’ve managed to get about 40 minutes into promoting articles.

From the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill I have read 5 pages , but most likely I’ll catch up tomorrow.

All in all it was an extremely successful day in which I feel extremely well physically and mentally.

29 days left …

Have a beautiful day !!



Mr. Plan ₿

Passionate about personal development and crypto/stocks investments, I share valuable insights for your success. Support us https://buymeacoffee.com/vremaroiuat