5 Things You Can Do To Invest in Bitcoin Successfully

Sense and Cents
6 min readJan 13, 2021


Many of my family and friends who want to get into investing or trading Bitcoin or stocks always ask me simple ways to get started so I decided to write this article that could be useful not only to them but everyone!

  1. Have an Investment Account (with Cryptocurrency capabilities)
    In order to invest in Bitcoin (or stocks), you need some kind of an account that has cryptocurrency capabilities. For most, the simplest and cheapest way to get into this is by having a Robinhood account. The Robinhood app allows you to buy and sell Bitcoin (and stocks) for free! If you use that link, you and I can get a free stock upon signup! Buying Bitcoin on Robinhood saves you from having to have a Bitcoin wallet (you don’t want to be this guy who can’t remember his Bitcoin wallet password and stands to lose $234 million worth). Their app is simple and easy to use and your cash can gain interest while you’re waiting to buy your Bitcoin (or stocks). If you already are investing in stocks with a brokerage account such as TD Ameritrade, a simple way of investing in Bitcoin without having to buy it is by buying the GBTC fund (basically a company that buys and sells the Bitcoin for you and their trust fund reflects the Bitcoin prices going up or down).
  2. Read & Watch Bitcoin News Religiously
    Bitcoin like other currencies is traded 24/7 meaning its value is constantly changing every second of the day. If you’re going to invest in Bitcoin, you need to watch it daily, especially with its swings. One easy way to do that is to…



Sense and Cents

Just a city boy, living to find some joy…..by making sense and cents in this world of 1’s and 0's.