6 Reasons Why You Should Become A Blockchain Engineer

We explore the reasons why blockchain engineering is such a mind-blowing reality. We go through 6 reasons why people should become blockchain engineers, the problems it solves, and how to get started.

Patrick Collins
Published in
15 min readJan 6, 2021


Why become a blockchain and smart contract engineer
Original Image from ker_vii from Getty Images Pro


Being a blockchain engineer is one of the most fun and rewarding experiences and career paths today. You’ll easily slip through the looking glass of smart contracts and become enamored with planet altering tech.

And I personally, flippin' love it.

Replace flippin' with your “sentence enhancer” of choice.

Every day I wake up AMPED. I have two titles, CEO of my own blockchain company and Developer Advocate for Chainlink Labs, which is a fancy way of saying I’m a blockchain engineer who also writes.

It was only one year ago I took the plunge into cryptocurrencies and blockchain, not expecting much. Now I see that it’s the future of almost EVERY platform and industry. And it’s not just me:

Every colleague of mine who’s been introduced to the scene has fallen in love with the technology as…



Patrick Collins

Lover of smart contract engineering and security