Take the Leap, 6 Reasons Why You Should Become a Blockchain Engineer



Have you been thinking about getting into coding or maybe even blockchain technologies, but haven’t quite made the leap yet? If so, this article is for you.


It was only about a year ago that I took the plunge into coding and blockchain engineering, and it’s been an awesome journey so far. I had no coding experience prior to the start of 2020, but within just one year my blockchain engineering skills have grown immensely, and quite honestly, I’ve fallen in love with it.

Without further ado, let’s get into my top 6 reasons as to why you should become a blockchain engineer, and join the blockchain revolution.

1. Salary

Let’s start with the primary driver here, blockchain development/engineering pays well, very well. ZipRecruiter lists the average salary of blockchain developers as $154,550 per year, with the majority of developer salaries being between $124,500 and $203,000.

I’ve seen multiple other sources listing the average salary around $150,000 per year as well. Consensys, one of the world’s leading blockchain companies, also projects an average blockchain developer salary of $150,000 — $175,000.




Chainlink Node Operations, AWS, Splunk Professional Services Consulting.