7 Hard Pills that you need to Swallow if you want to make money in the crypto market

The Wolf of Wallet Street


I’ve been in the crypto market for about 2 years now. Have felt the best of bull and the worst of the bear and it has certainly been an emotional roller-coaster.

As I became more and more familiar with the space, I started to make a few realizations.

Realizations about the way things work in this market. Realizations that weren’t always pleasant but would have saved me (or made me) tons of money if I knew about them earlier.

So I decided to make a very, very short post to summarize these uncomfortable but extremely valuable truths in the simplest and fastest way possible.

Truth is, these are difficult times for the crypto industry. After the FTX fiasco, most people wouldn’t touch crypto with a 10 feet pole. The casuals have left a long time ago, but we’re now seeing even some of the OGs rage-quitting and looking for opportunities elsewhere. The mainstream media declares that crypto is dead (again) and we’re now trading at pre bull market levels.

My point is this: If you’re here now, then you probably plan to be here for a while so you might as well know what you’re dealing with.

So pay special attention to this list. I’ve intentionally made it as short as possible. There are…



The Wolf of Wallet Street

Documenting my adventures in the Wild Wild West of the crypto markets.