70% of All Bitcoin Hasn’t Moved in Over 1 Year

More than 70% of all bitcoin hasn’t moved in over a year. Here’s what that means and why it’s important.

Bitcoin Binge
Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2023


70% of All Bitcoin

The percent of bitcoin that hasn’t moved in more than a year continues to increase over time. It just passed 70%.

See the above chart.

Just like the price of bitcoin, the supply that sits dormant for 1+ year spikes up and down throughout each market cycle.

Much of the movement is dependent upon external or broader macro factors.

In Plain English

70% of the bitcoin supply not moving in over a year means that bitcoiners, like myself, are long term holders.

I checked my own bitcoin.

I have a cold storage (i.e. self-custody — LEARN WHAT THAT IS HERE) wallet that I created May 10, 2021. The bitcoin I moved to it on that very day is still in that wallet. I’ve sent more bitcoin to it since setting it up but a majority of the bitcoin on that cold storage wallet has been sitting there for between 2.5 and 1.5 years. And really… I’ve had some of that bitcoin for a decade now so it’s only technically moved because I started using a new wallet.

