8 Strategies To Survive The Bear Market

Trader FX


Image taken from The Montley Fool

Like it or not, the bear market is upon us now in glorious full force — all mainstream cryptocurrencies and stocks are headed for a free fall, with the bottom yet to be in sight. The Bitcoin Fear & Greed Index is pointing at extreme fear now, reflecting the state of emotional turmoil of the general public.

While the bearish market naturally entails this flurry of distraught and uncertainty, it may also present a window of earning opportunity to the astute investor. While making no claims to be a financial guru, I personally find the strategies below helpful to help buffer my investment portfolio during these trying times, from my point of view.

1. Buy The Dip!

Indeed, timing the market is difficult; hence the idea of dollar cost averaging, which refers to allocating a set amount of money at regular intervals to buy…



Trader FX

A tech enthusiast, trader and zealous writer passionate in cryptocurrency, finance and passive income. 4x Top Writer in Finance, Bitcoin, Investing, Technology.