A Booking App With The Benefits of Web3

Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2022


The Swix dev team continues to work rigorously on the infrastructure which will facilitate the integration of real world revenues and on-chain mechanics. We are extremely proud of our achievements to date in the development of the system. For the first time ever, we will be able to bring on-chain the real world revenues generated by global property rental, all under the governance of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, Swix DAO.

The overwhelming excitement and support received from our early community members has inspired us to announce the early release of our Minimum Viable Product version of the official Swix Property Rental Platform. We have decided to open the MVP platform to a group of lucky Swixies to test and interact with our system in its infancy.

The MVP has been developed with a focus on the features and functions that are most innovative and unique to Swix.

The Swix Booking Platform MVP: What to expect?

The Swix ecosystem consists of multiple components, principally the Booking Platform and Staking and Bonding dApp. In order to achieve maximum community engagement, we have chosen a gradual release schedule. This process begins now with the deployment of our MVP booking platform, also known as the Marketplace.

The MVP will exclusively showcase the Marketplace dApp and the relevant on-chain booking infrastructure associated with it. This will allow us to focus on one singular, yet instrumental component of the system, and perform essential stress tests while also serving as an instructional tool for the community on the functioning of our system.

We have temporarily decoupled the booking system from the staking and bonding mechanisms to funnel the incoming revenue into 3 separate operational wallets: Tokenback wallet, Expense Wallet and DAO Reserve wallet.

  1. Tokenback Wallet will offer a mock representation of the tokenback reward mechanism at this MVP phase. Upon receiving funds from the Booking Manager (see diagram 1.1 below), a proportional amount of SWIX will be minted and distributed to the user who purchased the stay.
  2. Expense Wallet, which houses the funds necessary to finance the monthly lease costs, guest relations and maintenance staff costs, as well as the portion of revenue which is reinvested into the real world business for new lease acquisition.
  3. DAO Reserve Wallet houses the portion of generated funds that are brought on-chain to the DAO treasury. These funds are used for the backing of SWIX and for distribution to Stakers in the form of rebasing rewards.

Open Testnet

The showcase will be conducted on Mumbai testnet with limited access to 30 community members. Participating members will be selected at random and airdropped the necessary tokens on the testnet to book a stay on our platform via their browser extension wallet.

The chart below gives a detailed overview of the MVP Swix Marketplace and Booking Platform that will undergo testing.

As illustrated above, all availability, pricing and booking data will be stored and managed on-chain and transferred to the frontend via our database. We have implemented the Tokenback and DAO Reserves in their simplest form to ensure testing focus is targeted on our booking functionality.

Below is a preview of the MVP booking interface:

Win a Swix Stay in London

Once Swixies have successfully interacted with the Swix booking platform MVP on Mumbai testnet, and all improvements have been made, we will proceed with selecting one lucky winner amongst the most active and engaging testnet participants (criteria TBD).

The winner will receive a 2 night stay in one of our beautiful portfolio properties in London, so best of luck to all of you!

Stay tuned, and join the Swix discord to follow our announcements.


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