A Critical Review: THE FIAT STANDARD

Ugly Old Goat
46 min readMay 5, 2022


The Debt Slavery Alternative to Human Civilization

I fudged a bit on this one. I wanted to read Saifadean Ammous's second book as it was being written and made available on his website. I have been a member of his website since the outset because his first book The Bitcoin Standard had a huge personal impact on me. So much so that Saif was hands down the recipient of the first Bitcoin Standard Bearer in 2018.


Unfortunately, time constraints would not allow me to read the book in progress made available to fellow Members. Saif deserves credit for making the draft available to Members as he was drafting it. This was a brave thing to do! And a great teaching mechanism.

And I think this is an aspect the ivory tower critics miss. There tends to be scholarly envy of Saifidean's rise from an unknown broke scholar trapped in Lebanon to a world-renowned spokesman for bitcoin through bootstrapping his own talents and reaching the masses by practicing what he preaches. What impresses me is not just Saif’s accomplishments but that he teaches by example and with integrity by living out the principles that he teaches. His life and accomplishments are an untold Horatio Alger story. He has even started his own publishing house!

After reading a not so rave review from the academic world, I thought it was past time I check…

