A day by day to become a smart contract developer/auditor in 2022 — week 20

Silvia Margarita
2 min readAug 31, 2022


Ethereum Rio 2022 was the gateway to this journey.

Week 20: Buidling my skill set

For years I’ve been considering moving to a city where people speak English to reach an advanced level. Until now, that hasn’t happened. English is part of a successful career, and I can’t wait for it more. I won’t stop until I’m fluent and confident in my English skills.

This is the first time that I’m not working for a company since I was in the university. My savings are lowering fast because I’m attending conferences and paying for tutoring. I can’t do much to reduce my expenses; I focus on maximizing my time, learning, and building to be ready to join and contribute to a team.

This is a challenge; I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, I feel the adrenaline of running out of money, and still, I’m happy that I decided to bet for myself.

I found the first Blockchain Developer position on a DeFi company, addressed to a junior candidate, and I’m interested in DeFi projects and smart contracts auditing, then I applied.

Aug 8> 9 hours

  • Weekly Sprint planning video call with the Peace team.
  • Held a call with the product owner of the Peace team.
  • Worked on Peace smart contracts.
  • Studied the ERC721 standard.
  • Visual Studio Code session with a mentor from the Javascript bootcamp by the Phoenix Guild.
  • Practiced JS following along 8 lessons from the Scrimba course.
  • Worked on the 30 Days of Web3 program by the Women Build Web 3 collective.
  • Studied about monorepos.

Aug 9> 5 hours

  • Video call with the Peace team.
  • Took the English tutoring placement test.
  • Practiced JS following along 8 lessons from the Scrimba course.
  • Worked on the 30 Days of Web3 program by the Women Build Web 3 collective.

Aug 10> 6 hours

  • Video call with the Peace team.
  • First 1-to-1 English session.
  • Worked on the 30 Days of Web3 program by the Women Build Web 3 collective.
  • Practiced JS following along 8 lessons from the Scrimba course.

Aug 11> 6 hours

  • Applied for a junior blockchain developer position at VALK.
  • Learned about subgraphs in a 30 Days of Web3 program workshop with Camila Ramos.
  • Worked on a contract for the Peace project.

Aug 13> 9 hours

  • Applied to the Blockchain learning program by Communiti.
  • Joined a workshop with Camila Ramos about building decentralized APIs.
  • Applied to the Trail of Bits security apprenticeship position.
  • Studied and practiced how to sign and verify messages.

Aug 14> 5 hours

New to trading? Try crypto trading bots or copy trading



Silvia Margarita

A revolution is happening out there, and I’m not going to miss the opportunity to participate. I’m on my way to becoming a smart contract developer.