A day by day to become a smart contract developer/auditor in 2022 — week 24

Silvia Margarita
3 min readSep 27, 2022


Next stop, go back in the water.

Week 24: I got the job, thank God!

I wrote to the company to ask what was next in the recruitment process. They replied that they would email me their decision about the job on Friday. I’m nervous, but in the deep of me, I know whatever happens will be good, I feel that I’m doing what I have to do, and sooner or later, I will see the results.

The English sessions were based on blockchain and cryptocurrency topics. I felt more confident explaining technical and non-technical concepts. I didn’t progress on time tense conjugation as I desired, but I gained confidence and fluency.

Those English sessions were crucial for the job interviews. My tutor prepared me for a technical and non-technical smart contracts developer interview. Also, I became a friend of my tutor, Hanna.

This week a dev joined the Peace team. We did peer coding, and I enjoyed this a lot. I learned much more than coding by myself without feedback.

After a month of not sleeping well for the expectation, I received an e-mail from the company’s co-founder offering me 3 months of a paid internship, after which I would be assessed on my performance to decide if I get the job as a junior blockchain developer.

I couldn’t be more fortunate; this is precisely what I was looking for, an opportunity to learn and gain experience within a DeFi company. They know I have no experience, but I’m committed to working hard until I uplevel my skills and knowledge.

I will start next Wednesday, and due to the company’s privacy, I will change from a daily journal here on Medium to a monthly journal. The next milestone is getting the full-time position in December.

I will attend Eth Bogotá and Devcon next month and will be publishing stories on IG. If you want to see some of those Ethereum events, this is my IG handle @soysilviamargarita.

Sep 5> 6 hours

  • Weekly Sprint planning video call with the Peace team.
  • Held a call with my friend Maria to continue improving the code of our delivered project at the Phoenix Guild bootcamp.
  • Worked on Peace smart contracts.
  • Studied the EVM `logs bloom.`
  • Watched a video about bits, bytes, and hex.
  • Read about the uint256 Solidity value type.
  • Fixed a bug on the Lens code of the 30 Days of Web3 program by the Women Build Web 3 collective.

Sep 6> 7 hours

Sep 8> 5 hours

  • Peer coding with the Peace team.
  • Worked on the unit test of the Peace contracts.
  • English session with a tutor.

Sep 9> 3 hours

  • Peer-coded unit testing for the Peace contracts.

Sep 10> 3 hours

  • Attended the AMA session for the Blockchain learning program by Communiti.
  • Worked on the unit test of the Peace contracts.

Sep 11> 3 hours

  • Worked on the unit test of the Peace contracts.

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Silvia Margarita

A revolution is happening out there, and I’m not going to miss the opportunity to participate. I’m on my way to becoming a smart contract developer.