A real story: hopeless crypto-kitty rescue

The private key was compromised; any ether drained right away. Yet five kitties left helpless.

Jeff Hu
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2018


This afternoon, my professor messaged me saying that his unattended Github repo accidentally revealed the private key to the public. A malicious scanner captured the key, and now draining all the funds.

It happened

Any ether goes in the wallet is drained right at the moment…

Figure 1: Ethers are being drained…

Money is no issue, but the kitties matter

Though there are no more ethers in the wallet that we can save, five crypto kitties are stuck. Without any available gas, it seemed impossible that we can rescue the kitties from the tragedy.

Two Alternatives

We soon came up with two alternatives:

  1. “Create a bot to compete with the hacker’s bot, and see who is blessed.” — Lee Ting Ting
  2. “Find a leeway to bypass the threshold of the ether detection of the hacker’s bot.” — Jeff Hu (me)


Method (1) sounds interesting, yet it takes time and chance to win over the competitions. Method (2) seemed intuitive but may work.


As the gas usages of the hacker’s actions are constantly being 0.00168 ether (Figure 1), we boldly expect that a transferral with the amount less than 0.00168 ether is invisible to the hacker. By checking the latest successful crypto kitties transferral of this account, the gas usage is around 0.00035 ether.

Figure 2: The gas usage of crypto kitties transferral

We assumed that it presented plausible that the rescue action of kitties can succeed!


0.00033 ether was transferred to the account, since that we guessed that the current gas price now is lower than four months ago. And omg NO ETHER IS DRAINED! The first rescuing team of funds has arrived at the gate. :)


By this method, we successfully bypassed the hacker’s bot and eventually rescued the four most valuable kitties. Wait? What about the last one. For the last poor kitten, we decided to leave it there, being curious about how the hacker will act toward the rescue.

Figure 3: Four kitties are rescued.

These are the rarest ones among the rescued:

Figure 4: Cuties rescued!

The hacker flew into a rage

To our surprise, the hacker noticed the problem so soon and tried to drain the wallet to the last drip. But sadly, it did not worth the loss. Sequentially, he transferred 0.003 ether into the wallet and took out the money deducted by the 0.00168 ether fee. Later on, he transferred 0.002 more ether into and stole the last poor kitten, with the 0.00098 changes.

Figure 5: The attacker’s final plunge

Finally, the kitten cost the hacker nearly 0.0025 ether in total, which was still beneficial because of that the least price of crypto kitties on the market is 0.003 ether. Good deal though.


Despite sharing the sadness of loss and the excitement of a successful rescue, there is not much to conclude. One last reminder is that NEVER put any of your keys on Github or public repos. Otherwise, you will be needing this tutorial very soon. :D

Contributors aside from the author

You can track all the histories right here at this address: 0x2CD068430a1b8d515753f2DD07d02f93a2E99A80, cuz it’s blockchain.

Also check out the Mandarin version written by Professor 寶博士(dAb)葛如鈞!

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Jeff Hu

Co-founder & CEO @ TuringChain.tech / Scholar @ UC Berkeley Blockchain Lab / Entrepreneur, blockchain researcher, magician, and poet