A Year of Insight and Innovation

N. R. Crowningshield


Overview of the Kaspa Currency Medium

Where to Start…

As the curtains close on 2023, I find myself caught in a blizzard of reflection, asking, ‘What the hell just happened?’ The year seems like a blur; each day, a block was swiftly added to the ledger at a dizzying 1 BPS pace. Trying to focus on a single event from this year is like attempting to spot a specific green jellybean in a jar crammed with jellybros. Each moment is so intricately intertwined with the next that distinguishing one from another turns into a chaotic ‘Candy Jar Guess’ game. My writing naturally slowed this past summer when I returned to work, resulting in fewer posts and leaving me pondering how Stella got her groove back. Only when my fingers start plodding across the mechanical keyboard, bashing through the accumulated rust and cobwebs, that I can really embrace a moment of introspection.

This year has been like a bazillion-piece puzzle, each segment a small yet significant part of a broader picture. In my role at Kaspa’s Medium, I’ve traversed the intricate terrain of crypto technology and its community, distilling complex ideas into engaging, bite-sized narratives. These articles, I hope, have been more than just pieces of writing; I’ve aimed for them to act as bridges, offering a pathway for our audience to navigate the often dense world of math and code in their pursuit of understanding.

Reflecting on this journey with Kaspa, I realize how each article contributed to our readers’ knowledge and my own growth. Delving into topics like decentralized finance and cryptographic protocols, I found myself growing — both as a writer and as a thinker in the tech space. This intertwining of personal and professional development has been the cornerstone of my year. In fact, the research and fascination with Kaspa and its blockDAG made this possible. These posts, in essence, were my study notes, openly shared, inviting everyone to learn alongside me and cheat off of my tests.

My roles with the community have been diverse and a bit of a mixed bag, ranging from conducting curious interviews to moonlighting as a copywriter and even dabbling in grassroots strategy wizardry. Juggling these tasks required a quirky mix of creativity and organization; I’ve been dedicated to broadcasting Kaspa’s vision and smoothly integrating our projects — aiming for operational fluidity and growth. However, I’ll admit, sometimes it’s been more like chunky peanut butter than smooth. Among these varied self-declared responsibilities, my highlight has been the creation of ‘The Book of Kaspa.’ This work is a summation of the year’s efforts and a foundational resource for understanding Kaspa’s technology and potential. It demonstrates our year-long journey in learning, connections, and advancements, symbolizing — or quite literally — that we have amassed enough development and insights to fill an entire book!


Anyway, onto the Kaspa Currency Medium. In a year, we’ve amassed 78.9K views and 39.7K reads, and the growing interest and enthusiasm surrounding the content has exceeded all my expectations… by a lot. Probably because I didn’t have any expectations, but I also didn’t think it would be a hit. The community has expanded, with 462 followers joining the publication and 16 individuals subscribed to our email updates. And perhaps most excitingly, maintaining the Kaspa commitment to accessibility and openness — proudly operating with 0 paywalls, ensuring that our valuable content remains free and available to all who seek it.

1.5K Views — 820 Reads

The Medium Genesis: January 2023

The year commenced with a foundational exploration of Kaspa’s technology. Starting with a modest but engaged following, my early articles like “Kaspa on Rust — Improving Performance” laid the groundwork. Each piece is crafted with a blend of crude technical learning and a developing voice, hoping to attract more curious minds and grow our community. It was met with praise, and so let the launch commence!

9K Views — 4.3K Reads

February: Seeing the Potential

By February, the follower count had escalated, mirroring the burgeoning interest in Kaspa. My piece “Kaspa: The Best of Bitcoin and Ethereum” became a cornerstone article, elucidating Kaspa’s unique position at the crossroads of these two crypto giants. This was followed by “Kaspa and the End of the Trilemma,” a deep dive into how Kaspa ingeniously navigates the blockchain trilemma of scalability, security, and decentralization.

8.4K Views — 3.9K Reads
8.5K Views — 4.1K Reads
5.6K Views — 2.7K Reads

Spring of Enlightenment: March to May

In March, the release of “Kaspa Full Node Tutorial by AvogHadro” proved crucial in demystifying Kaspad and the CLI wallet/node.

April brought a milestone game-changer for the Kaspa ecosystem: the integration of ASIC miners. This significant development, highlighted in my articles, was not just about enhancing mining efficiency. It represented a shift in Kaspa’s approach to scalability and security, opening new doors for network robustness and sustainability. This advancement was coupled with my piece on “Kaspa Wallets — Non-custodial Options for KAS,” (popularity due to the amazing sa1krishna) which still resonates with our audience since it captures all available KAS wallets. This article underscored the importance of security and personal custody in crypto, reflecting the community’s growing awareness and need for reliable, secure wallet options.

May saw the beginnings of my new endeavor, “The Book of Kaspa.” The alpha release of this book, which remains open to the public, was a bold step in chronicling the journey and evolution of the Kaspa network. It’s a living document, evolving alongside Kaspa, providing insights and knowledge to anyone intrigued by the innovations and potential of this cutting-edge technology.

5.7K Views — 2.8K Reads
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9.2K Views — 4.7K Reads

The Summer of Breakthroughs: June to August

June marked a technological feat with “Kaspa Hits Record 10 Blocks Per Second on Testnet,” proving Kaspa’s unparalleled scalability. My writing during this period chronicled these advancements. It captured them within the broader crypto narrative, helping our growing audience grasp the significance of these developments.

July (all time high in views/reads!) and August were pivotal, with the community-driven “Kaspa Crowdfund Campaign for a Tier-1 Crypto Exchange” and the strategic “Kaspa Integrated on NOWPayments” garnering widespread attention. The release of “The Book of Kaspa” in July offered a comprehensive look into the tech and budding ecosystem, serving as an introduction to Kaspa for newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts.

4.6K Views — 2.4K Reads
4.1K Views — 2.2K Reads
8.8K Views — 4.7K Reads

Autumn of Innovation: September to November

September’s release of “Kaspium v1.0.1” marked a significant milestone in Kaspa’s journey towards creating user-friendly and accessible crypto tools. The story was more than just an announcement; it was a narrative of relentless pursuit and innovation.

As autumn progressed, I delved deeper into Kaspa’s advancements with stories like “A Kaspa Performance Update,” highlighting the platform’s ongoing technological evolution.

November’s “Wrapped Kaspa Bridges to Polygon and BNB” piece was particularly impactful. It wasn’t just about a new feature; it was a symbol of Kaspa’s commitment to interoperability and expansion, a crucial step in the ever-evolving world of crypto as now KAS could reach Polygon and BNB.

3.9K Views — 2K Reads

December 2023: A Year in Retrospect

As December winds down, I can’t help but take a step back and marvel at the wild ride this year has been. It’s been like weaving together the most beautiful and complex DAG ever seen. Each edge and vertice represents an intricate development in the Kaspa universe — from the nitty-gritty of ASIC integration to the GRO (grassroots-organic) initiatives that have given our ecosystem some muscle.

Looking back, it’s not just the big-ticket milestones that make me sit up; it’s the journey. The learning, the connecting, the collective brainpower that’s as buzzed about the game-changing possibilities of the blockDAG, GHOSTDAG, and DAG KNIGHT as I am. This whole narrative is more than the art of storytelling to the tech space. Every article I’ve churned out has been a stepping stone towards demystifying the layered world of Kaspa.

Peering into the future, I’m buzzing with anticipation and excitement for what’s on the horizon. This past year at Kaspa has been so much more than just hammering out articles; it’s been about being a part of an unfolding saga of innovation, community, and the unhinged drive toward a decentralized tomorrow.

Every article I’ve penned, whether delving into Testnet 11’s standout performance or highlighting the strategic partnerships expanding Kaspa’s horizons, gave me a sense of being right at the heart of the action. As I researched, studied, questioned, and wrote, I often felt like the one making the calculations, driving this exciting new field forward. In reality, I might not have been at the helm, but it’s been exhilarating to ‘feel’ like I was a central part of it all.

I hope those who have read this far have experienced or will experience what I have with Kaspa. This initiative is once in a lifetime, and all you have to do is, well… do.

Here’s to the chapters yet to be written, the victories yet to be toasted to, and a community set to soar even higher in the ever-turbulent skies of crypto.

Tip: Hop in the Discord or Telegram, get involved and have fun.


TWITTER | GITHUB | N. R. Crowningshield | Bubblegum Lightning

