Accept Crypto Payments in your website with just one line of code

Shubh Kesharwani
3 min readAug 2, 2024


Implementing Crypto payment Gateway

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, integrating cryptocurrency payments into websites is becoming increasingly popular. However, the complexity of writing smart contracts and managing wallet connections can be daunting, especially for those without extensive knowledge of crypto or Web3 technologies. To address this challenge, we’ve developed a straightforward and user-friendly Crypto Payment Gateway, enabling anyone to accept crypto payments on their website with one simple function call.

Introducing payment-gateway-crypto

Our NPM package, payment-gateway-crypto, is designed to streamline the integration of crypto payments into websites. With a simple installation and a function call, you can quickly set up a payment gateway that handles everything from wallet connection to payment processing. Here's how it works:

  1. Installation: Install the package via NPM with the command npm i payment-gateway-crypto.
  2. Integration: Integrate the payment gateway into your site with a single function call.
  3. Payment Processing: Our package manages the entire payment process, ensuring a seamless experience for both the website owner and the user.

You can also go through our video demo:

Here’s the Documentation to follow.

Supported Networks

Currently we are on testnet only, our Crypto Payment Gateway supports the following networks:

  • Polygon zkEVM Cardona Testnet: Known for its scalability and low transaction fees, Polygon zkEVM is an excellent choice for integrating crypto payments.
  • Base Sepolia Testnet: Ideal for testing and development, Base Sepolia Testnet allows developers to experiment with crypto payments without incurring real costs.

We are actively working on expanding support to include all major mainnets, ensuring broader compatibility and increased functionality.

Why Use payment-gateway-crypto?

  • Ease of Use: Our package is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to developers with varying levels of expertise.
  • Comprehensive Management: From wallet connection to payment processing, our package handles all aspects of crypto transactions.
  • Future-Proof: As we continue to add support for more networks, you can be confident that our package will remain relevant and useful.

Getting Started

To get started with payment-gateway-crypto, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install the Package: Run npm i payment-gateway-crypto in your project directory.
  2. Integrate the Gateway: Import and call the function from our package to set up the payment gateway on your site.
  3. Test and Deploy: Use the supported testnets to ensure everything is working correctly before deploying to a live environment.


Our Crypto Payment Gateway is designed to make crypto transactions accessible and straightforward for everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, our package can help you integrate crypto payments into your website with minimal hassle. Check out our NPM package and simplify your crypto payments today!

🔗 Crypto Gateway

This project is also our submission for #HackOnBlocks2024. Please support us by giving it a like on Devfolio and If you really liked our work would enjoy an upvote on Product Hunt.

