AI and Bitcoin

Bitcoin Binge


AI + Bitcoin

I’ve been talking about bitcoin miners acting as data centers for artificial intelligence demand for a while now. Previously, I also discussed the massive run-up in Nvidia stock and how it tied into bitcoin mining.

AI and bitcoin are simpatico.

New Wave of AI

You don’t get this new AI wave, this quickly, without bitcoin and cryptocurrency miners stepping in to help enable it.

AI applications, platforms, and the like aren’t just code or software. They require specific hardware to function efficiently.

In order for AI to improve both its learning, accuracy, and speed to complete tasks, more and better hardware is required. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency miners already have operations running hardware like graphics processing units (GPUs) that is exactly what AI models need to function.

You don’t wave a magic wand or write better code and automatically get better AI models. You need the hardware.

You need the data centers, complete with GPUs and other computing hardware, along with efficient energy setups to process AI tasks efficiently and effectively.

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