AI Cryptos are the Next Big Thing

Ren & Heinrich


AI cryptos have performed great since ChatGPT saw a sudden popularity explosion in December last year. Here is why AI cryptos are a promising investment opportunity and what can you expect from them in the future.

What are AI Cryptos?

AI cryptos are relatively new crypto projects that try to merge artificial intelligence with blockchain technology. Areas of application are very diverse and range from finance to the gaming sector. The extent to which the respective projects rely on artificial intelligence also varies greatly.

How is Artificial Intelligence Improving Cryptocurrencies?

In general, AI makes existing processes more efficient. Some examples:

  • Automation: Many large and small processes can be simplified and accelerated with AI in the future. This ranges from analyzing which cryptos are a good investment opportunity to automatically compiling data.
  • Fraud detection: Artificial intelligence can recognize conspicuous patterns that warn users, for example, of suspicious wallet addresses or a high probability of scams with certain crypto projects.
  • Autonomous processes: Smart contracts allow the execution of complex processes on blockchains. Thanks to AI, this could be taken to a…



Ren & Heinrich

I analyze crypto trends and turn them into easy to read and understandable research articles for thousands of crypto investors.